The Wolfram|Alpha answer engine is going live in a few days, and we'll get to see the unbox — warts and all — live as it happens.
The service, which only a handful of outsiders have seen, officially launches next Monday, May 18. But the project organizers are doing a soft launch starting this Friday, and are webcasting their efforts to fire up all engines for the first time.
It's not as if the service needs much more hype: when they briefly and secretly opened up the door last Friday thousands of people found the opening and walked right through. Wolfram|Alpha even put up a heat map of the places where the site had been accessed, wondering in particular how it might have been possible in the middle of the Australian outback.
But the launch team discovered — and, frankly, they ought to know — that the unveiling of any major website has never been documented, at least for public consumption. So they decided to go one better: do it, and do it live.
The plan is to begin webcasting on at 7 pm CDT Friday with preparations, and have the engine on the public web "within an hour or two." Divert power to the shields, Scotty.
See Also: