70 Terabytes of Homebrewed Storage is a Beautiful Mess

Many of us know the feeling where all the digital storage we have at home is just not enough for our photos, movies and music. So just how much storage do you need? One guy in Russia seems to have found the answer to that question. He’s strung together 60 hard disk drives and built […]

Many of us know the feeling where all the digital storage we have at home is just not enough for our photos, movies and music. So just how much storage do you need?

One guy in Russia seems to have found the answer to that question. He's strung together 60 hard disk drives and built an array of cooling fans to support it to create 70 terabytes of storage–that's 71,680 gigabytes.

It's not pretty to look at. But it's an amazing do-it-yourself project. Based on the photos you can see how homebrewed the whole idea is–from the rack of 20 fans to cool it down to an ugly custom cabinet to house the drives.

If you want to see more pictures of the storage array, check out the original post on a Russian forum (some ads on the site maybe NSFW).

Source: English Russia via Technabob