Dead Gentlemen Produce Lively Entertainment

My husband and I rented Gamers and Gamers: Dorkness Rising through Netflix and laughed uncomfortably as we identified with all of the characters in one way or another. The movies are parodies of role playing games and players who play them. When Tim came home and said, “Hey, the Dead Gentlemen have a series on […]
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My husband and I rented Gamers and Gamers: Dorkness Rising through Netflix and laughed uncomfortably as we identified with *all *of the characters in one way or another. The movies are parodies of role playing games and players who play them. When Tim came home and said, “Hey, the Dead Gentlemen have a series on the internet,” I have to be honest, I got a little giddy.

If you like role playing games or cos play, you would probably enjoy the works of the Dead Gentlemen. The geeks in my house are a little biased because the movies were made in our home state by people we actually knew. (Okay, we knew a couple of the wives.)

Dead Gentlemen's latest project is called JourneyQuest. The series is web based and, for the first season, financed from the producers own pockets. Unlike the *Gamers *movies, the series is strictly fantasy based following a bard, cleric, wizard, ranger, and a fighter on their “quest.” The characters' quirks pulled us into watching the show as much as the plot, if not more so.


The first six episodes of JourneyQuest are available on the internet with the season finale premiering Tuesday, November 9. There is a invitation on Facebook for the finale event.

If you like the Dead Gentlemen, let them know! They can be contacted on their website and Twitter.