Matt Smith on Keeping Doctor Who 'Trippy and Psychedelic'

Doctor Who ‘s Matt Smith and Karen Gillan stop by the Wired Cafe to talk about Comic-Con, The Silence and their favorite moments from the world’s longest-running sci-fi show.
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[eventbug id=”comic-con-2011″]These two companions are having a blast traveling through time and battling the dark forces of the galaxy on sci-fi’s longest-running television show.

“It’s trippy and psychedelic, and that’s what Doctor Who at its best should be,” says Smith in the video above.

For a Time Lord, Smith is extremely down to earth. He and Gillan have been busy at this year’s Comic-Con International, speaking on panels, doing tons of interviews and meeting with fans. They even ran into a couple dressed up as them — how’s that for breaking the space-time continuum? In this video, they talk about Comic-Con, The Silence and their favorite moments on the show. video crew: Annaliza Savage, producer; Fernando Cardoso, Michael Lennon and Simon Lutrin, editors; Greg Stidham, camera.

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