For Big Ideas, Comics Should Let Writers 'Go Crazy,' Says Grant Morrison

To survive in the brave new digital world, the esteemed writer thinks comic books need to get back to what the pulp medium does best: big ideas. In this video interview conducted during Comic-Con International, Morrison talks about the state of the industry and the place of superheroes in the modern world.
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[eventbug id=”comic-con-2011″]”Let the artists go crazy, let the writers go crazy,” he says in the video interview above, in which he pitches a return to the imaginative values of comics.

Morrison stopped by the Wired Cafe during Comic-Con International to discuss an industry’s struggling for direction in an era of declining print sales. He also holds forth on the place of superheroes in the modern world, a topic he explores in his new comic book history book, Supergods. video crew: Annaliza Savage, producer; Fernando Cardoso, Michael Lennon and Simon Lutrin, editors; Greg Stidham, camera.

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