GeekDad Puzzle of the Week Solution: Numeric Crossword Puzzle

Congratulations to everyone that sent in a reply to Monday’s “Crossnumber” Puzzle.  Here’s the puzzle as posted:

Congratulations to everyone that sent in a reply to Monday’s “Crossnumber” Puzzle.  Here’s the puzzle as posted:

Crossnumber puzzle

Across Down

  1. Pi

  2. Sparta

  3. F4 to F7

  4. 222

  5. Dozen

  6. Luftballons

  7. Bond

  8. maxint (unsigned)

  9. five squared

  10. Twice 1 Down

  11. octal 30

  12. Van Halen: OU…?

  13. __ Special

  14. Square triangular number

  15. A perfect number

  16. Hendecagon

  17. Sqrt 2

  18. Wii sensor bar part #

  19. Dredd resigns (1st time)

  20. 2(25)

  21. Count(trombones)

  22. Twice 4 Down

  23. 2^10

  24. Alternate number of the beast

  25. Sqrt 3

  26. Jenny

  27. 217th pope

  28. C

  29. 2^5th triangular number

  30. Phi

  31. Williamsport, OH

  32. F2 to F7

  33. Sqrt 5

  34. E

  35. HTTP: Moved Permanently

  36. Lucas numbers

  37. Emergency

  38. Count (Johnson Solids)

  39. Atari 2600 RAM

  40. Ti

  41. Sum of the 1st four squares

  42. 2 + some odds

  43. Germany invades Poland

  44. 41 Across backwards

  45. 6th Blum integer

  46. Treaty of Portsmouth

  47. A perfect number

  48. 4th element of A062786

  49. Blackjack

  50. See 57 Across

  51. A perfect number

  52. Meaning of Life

  53. 1st Blum integer

  54. Two gross


  56. 1/0.012345679

  57. 3^4

  58. Smallest factor of 64079

  59. THX

  60. 16 MHz Intel

  61. Mersenne Prime

  62. Tandy’s area code

  63. The Bronx

  64. 5 x 11 x 13

  65. Heinz

  66. Bi

  67. NGC 2447

  68. Untouchable

  69. F20 |

<p>Solution:</p> <p><a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-1047><img cla

aCrossnumber puzzle solution

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