Boys? Yes, I'd like to recommend some books with female leads that your son would enjoy reading. If your next question is "Why?," then ask your daughter why she liked Harry Potter. She might say it was a good story, great characters, and a fantastic world. Who cares if the main character was a boy? In fact, girls will pick up a book with a hero or heroine equally. According to my excellent librarian resources, boys will actively avoid books with a girl as the main character. What's the problem? I have no idea.
Why should you encourage your son to read books with heroines? That's easy. You want your son to grow up knowing that a strong female for a friend, wife or boss is normal and good.
Instead of getting into the psychology of it all, let's change it. And the best way is to get 'em while they're young. Here are a few adventure graphic novels that feature girl go-getters. I picked comics because when my son was young those were the only kind of books he selected on his own.
[Read Rebecca Angel's list of comic books with heroines that boys will love at GeekMom!]