Airing It Out: How Toilet Yoga Impacted Our Family

Let me begin this post by reminding you of my credentials. I am the mother to four children, three of them boys who happen to be between the ages of 11 and 19. If you don’t have a similar household setup, let me inform you that families with boys almost always become families who discuss […]
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Let me begin this post by reminding you of my credentials. I am the mother to four children, three of them boys who happen to be between the ages of 11 and 19. If you don't have a similar household setup, let me inform you that families with boys almost always become families who discuss things like toilet habits. Sometimes even discussing them at the dinner table. Most definitely on long car rides, during TV commercial breaks, and always, yes, always, after someone has 'produced' something that is noteworthy. I hate to admit it, but since all of my sons are armed with cell phones cameras, sometimes there are even visuals to go along with the stories.

I'm the looney one who wrote the post about a book we thoroughly enjoyed as a family, called Toilets of the World. We spent hours, on a long car trip, discussing the toilet habits of different cultures around the world. And yes, it was very interesting.

So it stands to reason that just seeing a snippet of a TV talk show, that contained a discussion about a new book called Toilet Yoga: Because Sometimes Sh*t Doesn't Happen, got the conversation rolling in our house. In fact, it was brought up so many times, with the brothers who had not seen the TV piece doubting its existence, that I took the time to research its authenticity. And sure enough, I found it online.

[Read the rest of Judy Berna's review of Toilet Yoga (and see the video trailer!) at GeekMom.]