Nora has been using my ipads for a while now, and is rather adept at playing games on it. She just recently saw the latest version of "infuriated avians" was available, and asked me to buy it. I made her the following deal; over the next 3 days, she has to play both her mother and me at checkers, in an alternating manner. If she wins twice in a row, then we purchase "infuriated avians." If not, then no game (and, presumably, pigs take over space or something.)
I am better at playing checkers than my wife, or at least less likely to let Nora win. Should Nora play us mom-dad-mom, or dad-mom-dad if she wants to maximize her chances of winning twice in a row? How much better than my wife do I have to be at checkers for there to be a difference in strategies?
Submit your answer (and reasoning) to Geekdad Puzzle Central by Friday for your chance at a $50 ThinkGeek gift certificate. Good luck!