Birthday Week: Conquer Kaos with a Skylanders Birthday Party

A few of you have been asking in our previous Skylanders posts for ideas on what to do for a Skylanders birthday party. Couple that with the fact that I'm planning a party for my soon-to-be-seven Skylanders fanatic, and my tech gears have been turning. Here are some of my ideas and I invite you to add your own. With our hive mind, the Skylands will be saved from birthday Kaos!
Image may contain Human Person and Finger
My Skylanders birthday girl. Photo: Amy Kraft

A few of you have been asking in our previous Skylanders posts for ideas on what to do for a Skylanders birthday party. Couple that with the fact that I'm planning a party for my soon-to-be-seven Skylanders fanatic, and my tech gears have been turning. Here are some of my ideas and I invite you to add your own. With our hive mind, the Skylands will be saved from birthday Kaos!

My daughter and I tend to identify with some of the elements over others, me Undead and her Air, and that is the thread that carries through my party planning.

The Skylanders logo with a bit of my Photoshop trickery.


With a little bit of Photoshop trickery, I was able to swap my daughter's name in for Spyro's. Sure it's not my finest digital work, but it's enough to convince a group of kids. Stick that logo into an Evite and I'm good to go! For those of you who admirably kick it old school and send out invitations, the element icons from the logo are easy enough to draw to adorn your invitation.


Following the same icon drawing idea, grab balloons in the various colors of the elements and doodle the element icon on with a marker. Group the balloons to create element stations around your home or party space.

Name Tags

On their way in the door, have guests make name tags where they choose their Skylander name, their element, and their power. They can choose an existing Skylander, but judging from our recent writing contest, kids have no trouble coming up with Skylanders of their own invention.

Read the rest of the instructions on how to throw a Skylanders party in Amy Kraft's post at GeekMom.