Watch Video Games Instead of TV

My family loves video games. However, like most families, we live on a budget. This means we can neither afford to buy one of every console available nor even keep up with the new games released for the two platforms we own.

My family loves video games. However, like most families, we live on a budget. This means we can neither afford to buy one of every console available nor even keep up with the new games released for the two platforms we own.

Really, we have nothing to complain about. We have more games on my iphoness and for the Wii than I ever had for my little old NES back in the day, and the games we have are in many ways better than what I played when I was my son's age. But even though we are budget-wise and generally content with the amount of interactive screen-time we have, there are a few games out there that make us wish we had more.

The most interesting game I've seen in 2012 (but have been unable to play) is called FEZ. It starts out with a basic 2-dimensional platform world, but soon transforms into a mind-warping 3-D puzzler. The gameplay mechanic is unique, and I wish it was being released for the Wii because FEZ has all the qualities that my family demands from our games, and then some. (From a previous post: Games must not offend mama, and they must be extremely re-playable.)

Luckily, there are gamers in the world kind enough to record their playtime and post the videos online for our entertainment! Alex "Baer" Larrabee has posted a FEZ 'let's play' on the GameTaffy YouTube channel, and my son and I have been watching episodes of the play-through as a treat after school. Sure, watching a play-through spoils the game for us, but that's not a real problem. After all, we were never going to buy a whole new console just to play one game. That said, if Polytron ever releases FEZ on the Wii, we'd buy it in spite of spoilers. The beauty of highly replayable games is that no two play-throughs are exactly the same.

[Via Kay Holt at GeekMom]