GeekMom Book Club – A Wrinkle in Time – Discussion

For the month of August, the GeekMom Book Club is discussing the classic children's book "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L’Engle. Join in the discussion and enter to win a copy of the 50th anniversary edition.
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For the month of August, the GeekMom Book Club is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the much beloved children's book, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.

As part of the book club and the celebration, we're giving away the book to five lucky readers,

To enter, simply join in our bookclub discussion below by leaving a comment. We'll pick the winners using a random number generator and they'll be announced on August 31st.

Our discussion questions:

This book has an underlying theme of good vs. evil. What characters do you think are good? And which are evil? Are there any characters that seem to be neither?

Would you like to travel via tesseract, and which of the worlds shown in this book would you want to visit? Would you be willing to go to a world like Camazotz to save a loved one?

Love is another theme of this book. How does Meg's view of love change throughout the book?

What character is the most courageous? Most loyal? Scariest? And which is the character you most identify with?

Have fun answering in the comments! And if you have anything else to add, please feel free.

We will be wrapping up our overall discussion at the end of the month but this post will be open for comments until then.

The GeekMom Book Club is for everyone, not just moms, so please join right in!

Our September book club selection will be Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.