The GeekMom Book Club is back! We are introducing a new format and starting out with the classic A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle.
A Wrinkle In Time is one of my childhood favorites. My copy of this book is literally falling apart because I've read it so many times. The story follows Meg Murry as she is swept up into an adventure to save her father. A Wrinkle In Time was first published in 1962 and has won many awards including a Newbery Medal. This year is the 50th anniversary of this classic book.
To start our discussion, please post in the comments your thoughts about A Wrinkle In Time in general. Is this your first time reading it or have you read it before? If you have read this book before, how do you feel about it? Is it a favorite like it is for me? If you haven't read the book before, what are you expecting the book to be like? Please refrain from too many spoilers right now, in case there are people who haven't read A Wrinkle In Time all the way through yet.
We will continue our discussion on August 15th when I will post discussion questions over the whole book. Then we will wrap up on August 31st with our overall feelings about A Wrinkle In Time. And if you want to get a head start on September's book club pick, we will be reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. The GeekMom Book Club is for everyone, not just moms, so please join right in!