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Overview: Wits and Wagers Party is a trivia and guessing game. A simpler version of Wits and Wagers, players take turns answering trivia questions and guessing who's answer is closest to being correct.
Players: 4+ ages 8+
Who will like it: There are several game types going on here for the player to enjoy including trivia, gambling, and party niches.
Playing Time: 15-30 minutes
What’s in the box?:
- 150 question cards, 12 tokens
- 50 poker chips
- 6 dry-erase pens
- 6 dry-erase boards
- 1 rules sheet.
How is it played?: Start by giving each player or team (up to 6 teams of multiple people can play) a pen and matching set of board and markers. A question is read, and each team comes up with an answer and writes it on their board. The boards are placed out in order. Each team bets on which answer they think is the closest to the actual answer by placing their two markers in whatever place(s) they wish. The answer is revealed and the person with the closest answer without going over, along with who ever guessed that answer gain poker chips. This continues for six rounds. The seventh round players/teams can also bet their poker chips when guessing in addition to their markers. The person or team with the most chips after the seventh round wins.
When we played, we came up with the "Price Is Right" issue. It is up to you when you play, but if you let others see what you are writing for an answer, it affects what other players write. If you keep your answer secret and have all players reveal at the same time we had several duplicate answers, but it didn't take away from the fun of the game.
It is also important to note, as the name of the game implies, this is a party game. It's light and fun. If you are looking for a deep strategy game, this might not be for you.
Geeky Goodness: Knowing an abundance of useless trivia is a huge geeky quality in my book.
Hey, where can I buy this game?: This game is available at Wal Mart for $29.99 or at hobby and game stores.
GeekMom approved or "meh"?: Approved! I would buy this game. It's fast, educational, fun, humorous, promotes party conversation, and can be played with pretty much anyone.
**A copy of this game was sent to me so I could play it and tell you if it's fun**