GeekMom: Comic Book Corner -- September 19th, 2012

Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week.
AVX Round 11  Image Copyright Marvel Comics
AVX Round 11 / Image: Copyright Marvel Comics

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Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week.

Dakster Sullivan – Avengers vs. X-Men Round 11 MAJOR Spoiler Alert

The battle rages on as the Avengers vs. X-Men mini series comes down to its last issues. Marvel made it known a few weeks ago, that a character with a strong influence on the X-Men and Avengers world would perish in the fight. I’m sorry to say, that character’s pages were numbered in this issue.

When I started to think about the characters who’s death could bring a significant change to both teams, I could only think of two people that could be; Hope and Professor Xavier. In the end, I came to conclusion that Professor Xavier’s death would make more sense, because of the impact his life has had on the Marvel Universe and reverberations his death would have on the X-Men for years to come.

Marvel confirmed my logic the same day the issue was released.

I’ve known Professor Xavier since I was a kid and he has always been one of my favorite characters in the animated series. His death, though expected, was still a blow. I guess that means the writer, Brian Michael Bendis and the artists, Olivier Coipel and Mark Morales, did a good job with the scenes where he died.

Something else that I kind of expected to happen was Cyclops taking the Phoenix power from Emma and becoming the Dark Phoenix. I’m at a loss to say, though, what I think will happen next.

My best guess would be that in some way, Hope will come to save the day and the Avengers will find a way to force the Phoenix out of Cyclops and back into space (or some other locations). I’d love to see Jean Grey show up at some point, but I think that may be asking to much.

I guess we will all find out who wins in the final issue, to be released in two weeks.

You can purchase Avengers vs. X-Men from your local comic book store and Comixology. The graphic novel is up for pre-order on Amazon now.

Curious to know what I’m pulling this week? Check out my pull list on Comixology.

Kelly Knox – Batgirl #0 This month the DC Comics zero issues take us to the origins of our heroes, before the beginning of the New 52. While I had been looking forward to Worlds’ Finest #0 and Birds of Prey #0, it was Batgirl #0 that really had me champing at the bit. I have yet to be let down by any of Gail Simone’s work on Batgirl, and the #0 issue was no exception.

Batgirl #0 / Image: Copyright DC ComicsBatgirl #0 / Image: Copyright DC Comics Batgirl #0 has everything you could ask for in a origin story. Barbara talks about her family’s obsession with darkness and how it drew her to learning all that she can about the mysterious Batman. After Barbara finds herself taken hostage and decides to take her fate into her own hands, she shows us just how capable she is of taking care of herself before Batman trains her. The issue is rife with foreshadowing — James Jr., creepy much? — and hints at stories from the past that are still to be revealed.

Batgirl #0 is a great place to jump into Barbara Gordon’s world and reminds me how much I’ve enjoyed reading her exploits in this past year. I can’t wait to see how the foreshadowing plays out.

Corrina– Machine Teen History 101001

Machine Teen arrived with a stack of review copies of recent Marvel collected stories on my doorstop. I had never heard of the book but the striking cover by artist James Jean immediately drew my attention.

It’s the story of a young man with a seemingly perfect life in high school–quarterback of the football team, straight A student, supportive and beautiful girlfriend–whose life begins to unravel due to mysterious seizures.

The cover gives away what is causing these seizures, as our hero is not human at all but an intelligent machine. All that is covered in the first issue and then the story moves away from Adam trying to fit in at school to dealing with the revelation that he’s not a real boy and then trying to escape those who want the technology that created him.

The story ended in a way I didn’t expect, though it was still hopeful. And I liked the nods to the fact this takes place on Marvel Earth, such as Adam’s Spider-Man t-shirts, but it’s a complete story than can be read by someone who is completely unfamiliar with any other Marvel stories.

My eldest son started reading it and pronounced it “really interesting.” The story is by Mark Sumerak with interior art by Mike Hawthorne.

Image: Top Shelf ProductionsImage: Top Shelf Productions The 2012 Top Shelf Massive $3 Sale!

“For the next two weeks — thru Friday September 28thTop Shelf is having its annual $3 web sale. When you visit the site, you’ll find 170 graphic novels and comics on sale — with over 100 titles marked down to just $3 & $1! Shipping & handling is a flat fee regardless of how much you order, so load up and save big! … Each year we use these funds to help clear the decks on our current amazing releases, and “kick start” a full roll-out for next year. So, thank you in advance for your support, as we wouldn’t be here without you!” — Chris Staros

Dark Horse Star Wars 1/2 off sale!

If you’ve ever wanted to dabble in the dark side, check out Dark Horse’s 1/2 off sale on select Star Wars comic books. This is a great time to check out some of the greatest stories never told on the big screen.

Looking for something else, readers? Check out this week’s listed books:

100 Bullets Deluxe Edition Vol. 3 HC

Batman Beyond Unlimited #8

Batwoman #0

Before Watchmen Nite Owl #3 (Of 4)(CP)

Birds Of Prey #0

Blue Beetle #0

Captain Atom #0 (Final Issue)

Catwoman #0

DC Universe Presents #0

Fables #121

Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1 Fearsome HC

Green Lantern New Guardians #0

Hellblazer #295

Justice League #0 (CP)

Legion Lost Vol. 1 Run From Tomorrow TP

Legion Of Super-Heroes #0

Nightwing #0

Penguin Pain And Prejudice TP

Red Hood And The Outlaws #0

Supergirl #0

Superman The Black Ring Vol. 2 TP

Sword Of Sorcery #0

Unwritten #41

Wonder Woman #0

World Of Warcraft Pearl Of Pandaria HC

Young Justice #20 Avengers #30

Avengers Academy #37

Captain America And Hawkeye TP

Daredevil #18

Daredevil By Mark Waid Vol. 3 HC (PE)

Dark Avengers #181

Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Man In Black #4 (Of 5)

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #3 (Of 4)

Deadpool Vol. 10 Evil Deadpool TP

Disney Princess Magazine #8 (Disney Publishing Worldwide)

Invincible Iron Man Vol. 10 Long Way Down HC (PE)

John Carter The Gods Of Mars TP

Journey Into Mystery Vol. 2 Fear Itself Fallout TP

Marvel Masterworks Atlas Era Tales Of Suspense Vol. 4 HC

Marvel Universe The Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Comic Reader #3

Mighty Thor #20

New Mutants #49

Punisher By Greg Rucka Vol. 2 TP

Spider-Man Spider-Island TP

Spider-Men #5 (Of 5)

Thanos The Final Threat #1 (One Shot)

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #15

Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #15

Uncanny X-Men By Kieron Gillen Vol. 3 HC (PE)

Untold Tales Of The Punisher MAX #4 (Of 5)

Venom #25

Venom Circle Of Four TP

Winter Soldier Vol. 1 The Longest Winter TP

Wolverine Goodbye Chinatown TP

X-Factor #244

X-Factor Vol. 15 They Keep Killing Madrox TP

X-Men The Wedding Of Cyclops And Phoenix TP <p> h g> g>

Days Of Night #10<br> tle Beasts #3 (Of 4)<br> ra #17 (Cover A Antonio Fuso)<br> ra #17 (Cover RI Robert Atkins)<br> ger Girl G.I. JOE #3 (Of 4)<br> tor Who The Dave Gibbons Collection TP<br> othy Of Oz Prequel #4 (Of 4)<br> stbusters #13<br> zilla #5<br> zilla Half Century War #2 (Of 5)<br> S #4<br> nd Ghoul’s Night Out #1 (Of 4)<br> r Trek #13<br> r Trek Romulans Treasury Edition TP<br> r Trek The Next Generation Hive #1<br> e Blood #5<br> anthology Space #1 (Of 5) Angelic Layer Vol. 1 TP<br> serk Vol. 36 TP<br> fy The Vampire Slayer Spike #2 (Of 5)<br> dcaptor Sakura Omnibus Edition Vol. 4 TP<br> minal Macabre The Iron Spirit HC<br> k Horse Presents #16<br> ie Archives Vol. 11 HC<br> ima The Blood Spinners #4 (Of 4)<br> st #0<br> ster Johnson Caput Mortuum<br> r Wars Darth Vader And The Ghost Prison #5 (Of 5)

<p><stroKey:  </strongiant Cover  / </strongd Cover / </strongde Paperback</strong** Combo Pack  / PE = Premier Edition</strong**