GeekMom: Comic Book Corner -- September 26th, 2012

Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week. This week we take a look at Time Masters: Vanishing Point, Birds of Prey #0 as well as what’s on sale on Comixology this week.
Time Masters Vanishing Point  Image Copyright DC Comics
Time Masters: Vanishing Point Image: Copyright DC Comics

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Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week. This week we take a look at Time Masters: Vanishing Point, Birds of Prey #0, as well as what’s on sale on Comixology this week.

Dakster Sullivan – Time Masters: Vanishing Point

Ever since being introduced to Booster Gold’s comic book side in the new 52 Justice League International, I’ve wanted to learn more about the gold and yellow hero from the future. This week I checked out DC Comics Time Masters: Vanishing Point (written by Dan Jurgens and art by Norm Rapmund) from my local library and from page one, I couldn’t put it down. While the main story follows Rip Hunter, Booster Gold, Superman and Green Lantern’s mission to find Batman in the time stream, the story itself seems to focus more on Rip Hunter and how he became the time master he is now.

In another Booster Gold story I read, I was really confused by the time traveling aspect of things. This story on the other hand, was really easy to follow and made up for the confusion I experienced in the last story I read.

I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in Booster Gold and Rip Hunter. If you are a Superman, Batman or Green Lantern fan, I would choose another story to pick up as they don’t have very strong rolls in this story.
You can purchase Time Masters: Vanishing Point on Amazon and select comic book retailers.

Curious to know what I’m pulling this week? Check out my pull list on Comixology.

Birds of Prey #0 Image: Copyright DC ComicsBirds of Prey #0 Image: Copyright DC Comics Kelly Knox – Birds of Prey #0

Zero month continues for DC Comics, and last week I picked up Birds of Prey #0 (written by Duane Swierczynski and art by Romano Molenaar). The last few covers for Birds of Prey have been gorgeous, and the Zero issue is no exception. I’m a new fan of cover artist Stanley Lau.

While Birds of Prey #0 is an entertaining and slightly predictable origin story for the team, the continuity problems posed by having Batgirl on the team continue to be a distraction. Their meeting is only supposed to have happened a year ago, which seems to conflict with the timeline of Batgirl #0. Additionally, the costume Barbara wears in the issue doesn’t match up with her other costume shown in Batgirl #0, not to mention that the attack by the Joker and her recovery seem like a lot to fit in just a year… well, it’s best not to think about it all too long, or I’ll just end up with a headache.

Birds of Prey #0 ends with a little twist and setup for the future, so it’s worth picking up if you already have the series on your pull list.


Wonder Woman may be busy with Superman off in Justice League but she’s also back to old stomping grounds, having landed the cover of the 40th anniversary issue of Ms. Magazine. The cover is a homage to the first issue of the magazine, which also featured the Amazon Princess:


Perhaps Gloria Steinem will weigh in on the changes to Wonder Woman’s origin, which now include her as the illegitimate daughter of Zeus and in which the Amazons have changed from a peaceful culture to one that depends on seducing unwitting sailors and murdering them after.

Special Deals this Week on Comixology

Project Superpowers Omnibus by Alex Ross and Jim Krueger (sale ends 9/28 at 11pm EST)

Thanos 99 cent Sale (ends at 11pm EST on 9/27) – If you’ve never read about Thanos, this is the perfect time to pick up some digital reads about one of the most popular villains in the Marvel Universe.

The Dark Knight Returns 99 cent Sale This sale encompases select issues form The Dark Knight Returns, The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Batman: Year One and All Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder.

Looking for something else, readers? Check out this week’s listed books:

Absolute Green Lantern Sinestro Corps War HC

All-Star Western #0

American Vampire #31

American Vampire Vol. 3 TP

American Vampire Vol. 4 HC

Aquaman #0

Batman #8

Batman Incorporated #0 (CP)

Batman The Dark Knight #0

Before Watchmen Ozymandias #3 (Of 6)(CP)

Flash #0 (Francis Manapul Regular Cover)

Flash Vol. 2 The Road To Flashpoint TP

Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #0

I Vampire #0

Justice League #12 (Jim Lee 2nd Printing Variant Cover)

Justice League Dark #0

Lobo Portrait Of A Bastich TP (New Printing)

National Comics Rose And Thorn #1

New Deadwardians #7 (Of 8)

Phantom Lady #2 (Of 4)

Red Lanterns #0

Saga Of The Swamp Thing Vol. 2 TP

Savage Hawkman #0

Showcase Presents Amethyst Princess Of Gemworld Vol. 1 TP

Superman #0

Superman Family Adventures #5

Talon #0

Teen Titans #0

Voodoo #0 (Final Issue)

Voodoo Vol. 1 What Lies Beneath TP

Amazing Spider-Man #694

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Circus Of The Damned Vol. 3 The Scoundrel TP

Astonishing X-Men #54

Black Panther The Man Without Fear Fear Itself TP

Captain America And Black Widow #637

Captain Marvel #4

Daredevil By Ed Brubaker And Michael Lark Ult. Collection Vol. 3 TP

Deadpool #61

Fear Itself Uncanny X-Men TP

FF #22

Fury MAX #6

Gambit #3

Hit-Girl #3 (Of 5)

Incredible Hulk #14

Invincible Iron Man #525

Journey Into Mystery #644

Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Vol. 2 TP

Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #6

Marvel Zombies Destroy HC

Mighty Thor By Matt Fraction Vol. 3 HC (PE)

Punisher #16

Secret Avengers #31

Space Punisher #3 (Of 4)

Spider-Man Lizard No Turning Back HC (PE)

Takio #3

Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #16

Ultimate Comics X-Men By Nick Spencer Vol. 1 TP

Winter Soldier #11

Wolverine #313

Wolverine And The X-Men #17

Wolverine And The X-Men By Jason Aaron Vol. 3 HC (PE)

X-Men #36

X-Men Legacy #274

X-Men War Machines TP

X-Treme X-Men #4

<p> h g> g>

chie The Best Of Harry Lucey Vol. 2 HC<br> e Stevens’ Stories And Covers HC<br> e And Private Place #1 (Of 5)<br> . JOE A Real American Hero #182<br> oline Alley Vol. 1 HC<br> ken #6 (Of 6)<br> Kubert’s Tarzan Of The Apes Artist’s Edition HC<br> n Byrne’s Next Men Vol. 3 Aftermath HC<br> ic The Gathering The Spell Thief #3<br> s Attacks #4<br> orial Vol. 1 HC<br> eye #5<br> ke Eyes And Storm Shadow #17<br> r Trek The Next Generation Doctor Who Assimilation2 #5<br> r Trek The Next Generation Doctor Who Assimilation2 Vol. 1 TP<br> nage Mutant Ninja Turtles #14<br> nage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 3 Shadows Of The Past TP<br> nsformers More Than Meets The Eye #9<br> nsformers Robots In Disguise Annual 2012<br> el And Faith #14<br> tar The Last Airbender Vol. 3 The Promise Part 3 TP<br> Cop President Of The World #3 (Of 3)<br> .R.D. Hell On Earth The Return Of The Master #2 (Of 5)(Issue 99)<br> k Matter Vol. 1 Rebirth TP<br> gon Age Those Who Speak #2 (Of 3)<br> n #42<br> d MGMT #5<br> r Wars Darth Maul Death Sentence #3 (Of 4)<br> p><stroKey:  </strongiant Cover  / </strongd Cover / </strongde Paperback</strong** Combo Pack  / PE = Premier Edition</strong**