Warning! Contains Gore: Fangoria's Blood and Guts with Scott Ian to join The Nerdist channel

In the spirit of Geeks, Halloween, and the sheer awesome that is The Nerdist channel on YouTube, there will soon be Fangoria's Blood & Guts with Scott Ian. We need a show about movie monster make-up and gore, right? (YES! Yes, we do!)

Warning! this promo contains gore and bleeped language.


In the spirit of Geeks, Halloween, and the sheer awesome that is The Nerdist channel on YouTube, there will soon be Fangoria's Blood & Guts with Scott Ian. We need a show about movie monster make-up and gore, right? (YES! Yes, we do!)

Who is Scott Ian? Well, he's a musician specializing in the metal genre. He's no stranger to television though, being the host of The Rock Show on VH1 in the late '90's. If you are looking for someone based soley on enthusiasm for the bizarre art form of monster make-up, Scott is your guy.

Fangoria's Blood & Guts with Scott Ian will premere on The Nerdist YouTube channel October 3.