This Week With the Geekmoms

See what is happening with the GeekMoms this week.

Things go back to normal for Dakster this weekend with a troop at the history center and then a day of relaxing and writing on Sunday. She's also in the process of trying to get a new costume approved in the 501st Legion and with some luck, she will be wearing it this weekend.

This Saturday, Rebecca will be singing at The Wine, Women, and Song fundraiser for breast cancer research. If you're in the area, please participate, and be sure to say hi!

Only in Seattle will you find a ballet celebrating the Space Needle, Star Trek, and NASA! Kelly Knox is looking forward to attending the Celebrate Seattle ballet this weekend, where she hopes to get a glimpse of Nichelle Nichols and the Mars Curiosesity "Mohawk Guy" while enjoying the dancers' performances.

Ariane is still dealing with the lingering symptoms of the cold/flu she caught at PAX two weeks ago. She's very much looking forward to being healthy enough to stay up past 9 pm so that she can finally catch up on overdue blogging duties and just generally enjoy life beyond tissues and decongestants.

Laura's downside this week? Being asked if she were a devil worshipper. Upside? Celebrating her wedding anniversary with dinner at her favorite Indian restaurant and a walk along the shores of Lake Erie at sunset. She married as a teenager and is still on her first husband. They tell themselves they're sticking it out to disprove all the naysayers.

Rachel Cericola is going to shed a tear when she says goodbye to the Roomba 650 this weekend. Her house has never been so dirt-free! However, she does have another little robotic buddy waiting in the wings. (Sadly, he doesn’t clean anything.)

Melissa Wiley had a fabulous time recording the Brave Writer podcast with Julie Bogart earlier this week. They gabbed about Melissa's new books, tidal homeschooling, encouraging kids to write, video games, and lots more.

It's been a full, full week for Kris Bordessa. Her favorite cousin – of long ago late night giggling and summers full of fun – has been visiting and Kris has been playing tour guide. There's been snorkeling, turtles, a visit to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, sushi rolling, Spam musubi, and coffee farms. And giggling. Lots of giggling.

Cathe will be attending a Ska Family Night, a barbecue to meet members of local ska bands – including the one her husband plays with: The Sentiments. She is also happy to be celebrating nine years of marriage with her husband.