Evo Fury is an expansion to the Kaijudo TCG universe which will be available November 13. Sixty new cards will bring significant changes to the game.
I recently talked about the base set of Kaijudo here on GeekMom. The Evo Fury expansion will bring a new element to the game: Evolution. With the addition of evolution cards in a deck, characters in the Battle Zone can now have additional powers and abilities. Each booster pack of cards will have nine cards and a code card for playing online.
It doesn’t matter which civilization is your favorite; all five will have new cards and powers to boost a deck’s power. If you don’t already have a deck, or deck building isn't your thing, the Tornado Generator forty-card deck will also come out on November 13 with a good balance of new and pre-existing cards.
You can locate a retailer through Wizards of the Coast to pre-order your Evo Fury boosters and decks now!