PopCap Zombies Promote Healthy Teeth This Halloween

This Halloween, the zombies, along with the American Dental Association, are making available coupons to download the full Plants vs. Zombies game for PC or Mac for free.
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Image from PopCap Games, used with permission

Plants vs. Zombies is a great little game by PopCap featuring several different zombies trying to break into a house only to be thwarted by simple houseplants. This Halloween, the zombies, along with the American Dental Association, are making available coupons to download the full Plants vs. Zombies game for PC or Mac for free.


The purpose of the coupons is to hand out the vouchers to trick-or-treaters instead of candy. With the game costing $20, I personally think this is a great treat! You can find more information about Halloween and the Putrid Posse of dental grossness from the zombies website.

Each voucher is valid for one free download October 30 – November 10. So this Halloween you can confidentially give brains instead of candy to the ghouls who come to your door.