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Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week.
Kelly Knox – The Stars Below (Monkeybrain Comics)
When comic writers Bryan Q. Miller and Mark Waid both recommended the one-shot independent comic The Stars Below, I purchased it immediately from ComiXology. I couldn’t be happier that I did.
The Stars Below, written by Zack Smith with art by Rich Ellis, is the tale of a pigeon who finds himself swept into the Hayden Planetarium. The sight of the stars in the night sky fills him with awe, and he’s determined to find the stars above the New York City skyscrapers.
The Stars Below is utterly charming and a welcome change of pace from the comics I usually find myself reading. There is no dialogue and no color, but the story enchanted me from beginning to end. I’d recommend this one to young and older readers alike, and at only $.99 on ComiXology, The Stars Below is a great read all-around.
Dakster Sullivan – Robyn Hood #2 (Zenscope Comics)
Robyn Hood Issue #2 Image: Copyright Zenescope Comics
Robyn Hood by Zenscope (written by Joe Brusha, Raven Gregory, Patrick Shand, Ralph Tedesco and Art by Larry Watts) follows the story of a teenage girl with a troubled past as she learns about her home-world and the destiny that’s before her.
This issue focuses on Robyn’s first day in her home-world, the realm of Myst, and she learns why she has been brought back. Understandably, she has her own problems she wants to focus on and only agrees to help the people on the guarantee that they will help her get back at those who wronged her.
With a bow and arrow in her hand and rocking a green hoodie and jeans, she wonders into a village where she sees first hand the issues surrounding the people. She kicks some tail and eventually those causing trouble for the good people of Bree leave while giving a warning to Robyn. They are going to tell King John she is here and she will be dealt with.
When I first picked up issue #1 a couple weeks ago, I wasn’t too thrilled with the cover art or the writers’ choice of torture for Robyn. Despite my disagreements, I decided I would give the story one more chance because I’m addicted to her attitude and after finishing this issue, I’m happy to report I’m looking forward to the next one.
This is my first 17+ rated comic book, and to be honest, it was by accident (forgot to check the rating before I downloaded it). Picking this title up as taught me two things. First, ratings are there for a reason. If you know you are not the kind of person able to handle sexual content, stay away from them. Second, a 17+ rating doesn’t necessarily mean the story focuses 100% on sex and gore.
This is a five-issue miniseries and I’m really wishing it would last a little longer because I’m enjoying the character and watching how she handles the events surrounding her.
Check your local comic book store for availability or check it out on Comixology.
Curious to know what I’m pulling this week? Check out my pull list on Comixology.
Looking for something else, readers? Check out this week’s listed books:
Ame-Comi Girls #2 (Featuring Batgirl)
Batgirl #14
Batman #14 (CP)
Batman And Robin #14
Batman Arkham City End Game #1 (OS)
Batman Arkham Unhinged #8
Blue Beetle Vol. 1 Metamorphosis TP
Deathstroke #14
Demon Knights #14
Frankenstein Agent Of S.H.A.D.E. #14
Green Lantern Corps #14
Green Lantern Sector 2814 Vol. 1 TP
Green Lantern The Animated Series #8
Grifter #14
He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #4 (Of 6)
Legion Lost #14
Phantom Stranger #2
Punk Rock Jesus #5 (Of 6)
Ravagers #6
Saucer Country #9
Scalped Vol. 10 Trail’s End TP
Suicide Squad #14
Superboy #14
Superman Vol. 1 What Price Tomorrow HC
Team 7 #2
Young Justice Vol. 2 Training Day TP All-New Marvel Backlist Reading Chronology #1
Amazing Spider-Man #697
Avengers Assemble #9
Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis Vol. 3 TP
Deadpool MAX HC
Fantastic Four #1
Fear Itself Hulk Dracula TP
First X-Men #4 (Of 5)
Gambit #5
Marvel Masterworks The Fantastic Four Vol. 14 HC
Marvel Universe The Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes #8
Marvel Universe Vs The Avengers #2 (Of 4)
New Avengers #33
New Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis Vol. 4 HC (PE)
Red She-Hulk #59
Spider-Men HC
Thor God Of Thunder #1
Toy Story Digest Tales From The Toy Chest TP
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Death Of Spider-Man Omnibus HC
Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #18
Venom #27
Wolverine And The X-Men #20
X-Men Legacy #1
X-Men The Curse Is Broken TP
rderlands Origins #1 (Of 4)<br> sing The Dead #1 (Of 4)<br> ssic Popeye #4<br> othy Of Oz Prequel TP<br> . JOE A Real American Hero #184<br> . JOE Deep Terror TP<br> stbusters Vol. 3 Haunted America TP<br> zilla Vol. 1 TP<br> ke And Key Omega #1 (Of 7)<br> s By Berkeley Breathed The Complete Sunday Strips From 2003-2008 HC<br> r Trek The Next Generation Doctor Who Assimilation2 #7 (Of 8)<br> r Trek Vol. 3 TP<br> pedo Vol. 1 TP<br> cer Of Zilk #2 (Of 2) Billy The Kid’s Old Timey Oddities And The Orm Of Loch Ness #2 (Of 4)<br> od Blockade Battlefront Vol. 3 TP<br> fy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 #15<br> an The Barbarian #10<br> ep #3 (Of 4)<br> me Does Not Pay Archives Vol. 3 HC<br> gon Age Those Who Speak #3 (Of 3)<br> Sanguine #2 (Of 5)<br> ster Johnson Vol. 2 The Burning Hand TP<br> vel Classic Characters Series 2 #5 Iron Man<br> sive #6<br> hael Avon Oeming’s The Victories #4 (Of 5)<br> d MGMT #0 (One Shot)<br> age Sword Of Conan Vol. 12 TP<br> r Wars Lost Tribe Of The Sith Spiral #4 (Of 5)<br> zan The Once And Future Tarzan (OS)
<p><stroKey: </strongiant Cover / </strongd Cover / </strongde Paperback</strong** Combo Pack / PE = Premier Edition / OS = One Shot</strong**