GeekMom: Comic Book Corner -- December 12th, 2012

Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week. We also have a special request from our comic book reader fans!

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Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week. This week, we also have a special request from you, our readers.

Dakster Sullivan — Green Lantern: Larfleeze, Christmas Special

While looking around for comic books with a holiday theme, I came across the Green Lantern one shot, Larfleeze Christmas Special by Geoff Johns. I enjoy Geoff Johns’s storytelling, so I knew I was in for a good story.

Larfleeze was a great character for a Christmas special because he’s a very selfish and gimme gimme type of character. The story follows Larfleeze on his first Christmas on Earth. After writing a very long wish list to Santa and then waking up to find nothing under his tree, Larfleeze sets out to find the big man in red and take what he believes should be his.

Eventually Green Lantern Hal Jordan shows up and tries to teach him the true meaning of Christmas.

The ending wasn’t what I was expecting and it left me a little sad. I felt sorry for Larfleeze and even with as selfish as he is, I felt bad for him. The story’s mood gets a little lighter afterwards with a short “after” story featuring his only companion (and orange lantern construct) Gloom.

Green Lantern: Larfleeze, Christmas Special is available on Comixology and is recommended for ages 12 and up. The only thing that keeps me from arguing the rating of 12 and up, is the revelation of Santa Clause by Green Lantern. In short, if your child is under 12 and no longer believes in the man in red, this should be okay for them to read.

Curious to know what I’m pulling this week? Check out my pull list on Comixology.

Attention Readers! I need your suggestions!!

I’m putting together a list of must read comic book series and graphic novels and I need your help. I’m a comic book newbie who wants to learn more about this amazing world I’ve discovered. Leave me a comment with your suggestion and I will add it to my reading list for 2013. My goal is to read everything by the end of the year and report back to you each week in Comic Book Corner with what I’ve read.

Looking for something else, readers? Check out this week’s listed books:

Ame-Comi Girls #3 (Of 5)(Feat. Duela Dent)

Batgirl #15

Batman #15 CP

Batman And Robin #15

Batman Arkham Unhinged #9

Before Watchmen Dr. Manhattan #3 (Of 4)CP

Before Watchmen Rorschach #3 (Of 4)CP

Deadman Vol. 3 TP

Deathstroke #15

Demon Knights #15

Dominique Laveau Voodoo Child Vol. 1 Requiem TP

Frankenstein Agent Of S.H.A.D.E. #15

Green Lantern Corps #15

Green Lantern The Animated Series #9

Grifter #15

Justice League Of America Omega TP

Kamandi The Last Boy On Earth Omnibus Vol. 2 HC

Legion Lost #15

Ravagers #7

Saucer Country #10

Suicide Squad #15

Superboy #15

Team 7 #3 Age Of Apocalypse #10

Amazing Spider-Man #699.1

Avengers #1

Avengers Arena #1

Avengers Assemble #10

Cable And X-Force #1

Captain America By Ed Brubaker Vol. 2 TP

Carnage U.S.A. TP

Daredevil By Mark Waid Vol. 2 TP

Dark Avengers #184

Deadpool Dead HC

Essential X-Factor Vol. 5 TP

Fantastic Four #2

Incredible Hulk By Jason Aaron Vol. 1 TP

Iron Man #4

Journey Into Mystery Vol. 4 The Manchester Gods TP

Marvel Masterworks Golden Age Captain America Vol. 6 HC

Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #9

Marvel Universe Vs The Avengers #3 (Of 4)

Monsters Inc #1 (Of 2)

New Avengers By Brian Michael Bendis Vol. 3 TP

Scarlet Spider #12

Spider-Man Danger Zone HC (PE)

Superior Spider-Man Poster

Thunderbolts Poster

Ultimate Comics Iron Man #3 (Of 4)

Ultimate Comics X-Men #20

Winter Soldier #13

Wolverine #317 Final Issue

X-Treme X-Men #7.1 <p> h g>>

Days of Night #12 Final Issue<br> hie The Best Of Samm Schwartz Vol. 2 HC<br> derlands Origins #2 (Of 4)<br> w Skinning The Wolves #1 (Of 3)<br> . JOE #20<br> . JOE Cobra The Last Laugh HC<br> . JOE Transformers Vol. 2 TP<br> stbusters #16<br> lows #1 (Of 4)<br> e and Capes What to Expect #5 (Of 6)<br> ker The Hunter SC<br> eye #8<br> keteer Adventures Vol. 2 HC<br> ke Eyes And Storm Shadow Vol. 1 TP<br> r Trek The Newspaper Strips Vol. 1 HC<br> r Trek The Next Generation Omnibus TP<br> nage Mutant Ninja Turtles #17<br> nsformers Robots In Disguise #12<br> nsformers Spotlight Orion Pax (OS) Adventures Of Dr. McNinja Vol. 2 Time Fist TP<br> ly The Kid’s Old Timey Oddities And The Orm Of Loch Ness #3 (Of 4)<br> fy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 Library Edition Vol. 3 HC<br> fy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 #16<br> an The Barbarian #11<br> ep #4 (Of 4)<br> minal Macabre Final Night The 30 Days Of Night Crossover #1 (Of 4)<br> Sanguine #3 (Of 5)<br> r Agent Omnibus Vol. 1 HC<br> ndville Bete Noire HC<br> ndel Omnibus Vol. 2 The Legacy TP<br> sive #7<br> hid #11<br> r Wars Dawn Of The Jedi Vol. 1 Force Storm TP<br> r Wars Lost Tribe Of The Sith Spiral #5 (Of 5)<br> ain #9<br> zan The Russ Manning Years Vol. 1 HC<br> Hell You Ride #1 (Of 5)

<p><stroKey:  </strongiant Cover  / </strongd Cover / </strongde Paperback</strong** Combo Pack  / PE = Premier Edition / FI = Final Issue / OS = One Shot</strong**