Interested in talking with parents, educators, and scientists about kids and STEM? #STEMchat is an hour-long, monthly Twitter conversation about resources and ideas to help kids learn about bet365体育赛事, Technology, Engineering and Math. #STEMchat host Kim Moldofsky, a Chicago-area writer with tween and teen boys, writes The Maker Mom blog, which grew out of her interest in learning Arduino programming. She describes a typical #STEMchat as "a cocktail party on steroids," and a great way to connect with parents with a STEM ed bent.
Last month GeekMom Amy Kraft was a guest panelist, talking about Tweens and Engineering, and from all accounts she had a blast. And #STEMchat was a trending topic on Twitter! This month I get a turn, joining Moldofsky and a panel of parenting/education bloggers to discuss "Hack-y Holiday" ideas. You can follow the chat on Thursday December 6, starting at 9 pm EST.
This month's #STEMchat is sponsored by our friends at littleBits, the STEMmy-winning maker of magnetic snap-together electronic components that let you build all kinds of creative projects. LittleBits has a special Holiday Kit featuring unique pieces that can be used to create seasonal crafts like the ornament shown in the video above. And until December 11, littleBits is running a “What Are You Making for the Holidays?” challenge. Three winners will receive all the littleBits pieces needed to create their designs, in time for the holidays.
To join the live chat, just go to Twitter and search for the hashtag #STEMchat. Or use a site like TweetChat to make the conversation easier to follow. Can't make it then? You can find recaps of past chats on The Maker Mom website. You can also sign up to receive a email reminders and links to each month's recap. #STEMchat is usually the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9 pm Eastern.
I'm looking forward to my first STEMchat. Hope to see you there!
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