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Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to another installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner, where we recap our adventures in comics for the week. This week our writers look at Son of Merlin, Gunnerkrigg Court and the latest news regarding the X-Files comic book series. Come along with us as we venture into the awesome world that is comic books!
Dakster Sullivan — Son of Merlin
I fell into the first issue of Son of Merlin (written by Robert Place Napton and art by Zid) by accident and thankfully it was a pleasant fall into a new world of adventure and excitement. As the title suggests, this series focuses on Merlin’s son, Simone a handsome and smart young man who appears to work for a university. One catch…he doesn’t know who his father is or anything about him.
After Merlin is captured by a trap set by Morgana, a young woman by the name of Gwen is the only hope to help Simone become the man he is destined to be and stop Morgana from getting the Stone of Giramphiel.
I’m not 100% sure what the Stone of Giramphiel is or why it’s importance, but I’m willing to bet it’s something that could be dangerous in the hands of someone like Morgana.
It will be interesting to see what other aspects of the King Arthur legend is brought into play as we watch Gwen teach Simone about who he is and how he accepts his true destiny and birthright as the son of Merlin.
Curious to know what I’m pulling this week? Check out my pull list on Comixology.
Rebecca Angel — Chapter 35: Parley and Smitty Are In This One
Funny title for a good chapter of Gunnerkrigg Court t.
Chapter 34 was a wrap up of some romantic trails from previous story lines that I can’t say I was all that interested in. Although I did like Matt’s Japanese mysterious girl story.
Chapter 35, however, had Parley and Smitty in it. And I like them a lot, their powers are pretty cool, especially working together. Parley faced off without warning with the crazy ghost lady in the forest in a previous chapter.
That meeting made her realize her love for Smitty, and that she needs to work harder on fighting to ever stand a chance. She trained against Robot, and was only able to defeat him using her power to teleport.
But when Annie gave her Coyote’s tooth/sword, Parley didn’t realize how sharp it was. You got to read this chapter to see how absolutely adorable the friendship is between Robot and Shadow. Parley reflected my emotions exactly.
Sophie Brown — The X-Files return with a new comic book series
X-Files Comic Artwork © IDW Publishing
On Monday IDW Publishing announced a new partnership with Twentieth Century Fox to bring The X-Files back to comics. The current plan includes reprinting collections of the X-Files comics released between 1995 and 2009 but more excitingly, the launch of a brand new series in June; the first new X-Files stories since 2009’s crossover with 30 Days of Night .
The new series will pick up at the end of I Want to Believe, the second X-Files film which was released in 2008. In terms of the show’s complex mythology that places the new series three to four years prior to the planned alien colonization of Earth, which was announced in the show’s finale as December 22nd, 2012.
As a diehard fan I know I’m hoping for a series of comics that show Mulder and Scully preparing for colonization, and that serve as a foundation for a third film.
IDW currently hold the publishing license for a number of popular science fiction franchises including Doctor Who and Star Trek so whatever the stories turn out to be, it seems like the show is in good hands
Looking for something else, readers? Check out this week’s listed books:
All-Star Western #16
Aquaman #16
Arrow #3
Batman And Robin Annual #1
Batman Beyond Unlimited #12
Batman Incorporated #7 (CP)
Batman The Dark Knight #16
Batman The Dark Knight Golden Dawn TP
Before Watchmen Dollar Bill #1 (OS)
Before Watchmen Ozymandias #5 (Of 6)
Flash #16
Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #16
Global Frequency TP
Green Lantern Corps Annual #1
He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #6 (Of 6)
I Vampire #16
Injustice Gods Among Us #1
Joe Kubert Presents #4 (Of 6)
Justice League Dark #16
Justice League Vol.1 Origin TP
Justice League Vol. 2 The Villain’s Journey HC
Lot 13 #4 (Of 5)
Masters Of The Universe The Origin Of He-Man #1 (OS)
Red Lanterns #16
Savage Hawkman #16
Superman #16
Superman Family Adventures #9
Talon #4
Teen Titans #16
Unwritten #45 Avengers #4
Avengers Vs X-Men Consequences TP
Dark Avengers #186
Dark Avengers End Is Beginning TP
Fantastic Four Reunited They Stand TP
Hawkeye #7
Iron Man By Joe Quesada TP
Journey Into Mystery #648
Marvel Previews #114
Punisher Nightmare #5 (Of 5)
Punisher War Zone #4 (Of 5)
Silver Surfer By Stan Lee And Moebius #1 (OS)
Superior Spider-Man #2
Ultimate Comics Divided We Fall United We Stand HC
X-Men By Brian Wood Vol. 1 Blank Generation TP
X-Men Legacy #5
X-Men Legacy #5
X-Men Mutant Massacre TP
X-Treme X-Men #9
gora Napkin Vol. 2 Harvest Of Revenge HC<br> e 1969 HC<br> tor Who Prisoners Of Time #1 (Of 12)<br> nk R. Paul The Dean Of bet365体育赛事 Fiction Illustration HC<br> s Attacks Zombies Vs Robots (OS)<br> nsformers Complete Drift HC<br> Secret Agent Corrigan Vol. 5 HC Angel And Faith #18<br> epy Archives Vol.15 HC<br> minal Macabre Final Night The 30 Days Of Night Crossover #2 (Of 4)<br> gon Age Vol. 2 Those Who Speak HC<br> ly And The Strangers #1 (Of 3)<br> lboy In Hell #1<br> end Of Zelda Hyrule Historia HC<br> hid #12<br> .P.D. City Of The Damned #3 (Of 4)<br> r Wars Agent Of The Empire Hard Targets #4 (Of 5)<br> r Wars Omnibus Infinities TP
<p><stroKey: </strongiant Cover / </strongd Cover / </strongde Paperback</strong** Combo Pack / PE = Premier Edition / OS = One Shot</strong**