GeekMom: Comic Book Corner -- January 2nd, 2013

Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to the first installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner in 2013! This week, we look back at My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Mara #1 where we recap our adventures in comics for the week.
MLP Issue 2 Preview  Image Courtesy of IDW Publishing
MLP Issue 2 Preview Image Courtesy of IDW Publishing

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Happy Comic Release Day! Welcome to the first installment of GeekMom Comic Book Corner in 2013! This week, we look back at My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Mara #1 where we recap our adventures in comics for the week.

Dakster Sullivan — My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #2

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is one of the few comic books I read that I can share with my seven-year old son. This is the first series he’s reading that has cliff hangers at the end and it’s taken him a little getting used to.

This issue follows our favorite ponies as they continue their adventure to rescue their friends. The younger ponies are driving Queen Chrysalis crazy and she is just as excited to get rid of them as the Mane Six is to rescue them. They find their way into a cave and, while making their way through, run into a troll who has a love for ponies. After winning over the troll, the ponies face another enemy that threatens to tear them apart and set them on their own individual journeys to find their young friends.

Now, one of the cool things about sharing this story with my son is that he picks up on things in the background that I missed while concentrating on the lettering. Last night, while checking this issue, he freaked out at seeing something that even blew me away to see. I don’t want to spoil it for you, so let me just say this…don’t just focus on the characters and what they are saying. Look around the cave and see what you can find. You might recognize something (or someone) in the background that you wouldn’t expect to see.

Katie Cook’s storytelling and Andy Price’s artwork makes this is a must read for any pony fan.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is available at your local comic book store and on Comixology.

Curious to know what I’m pulling this week? Check out my pull list on Comixology.

Kelly Knox – Mara #1 (Image Comics)

Mara Issue #1Mara Issue #1 Any time Sue from DC Women Kicking Ass recommends a comic book, I sit up and take notice. Once again I’m glad I followed her advice and checked out Image Comics’ Mara #1, written by Brian Wood with art by Ming Doyle.

Mara #1 introduces us to a city in the future, where sports reign supreme and athletes are the stars in the public’s eyes. No one is more famous than the eponymous Mara Prince, a talented and unrivaled volleyball player who has been training since the age of two. One match is going to change everything forever, as Mara begins to exhibit superhuman abilities on the court — in front of the entire world.

Brian Wood is a prolific comic writer, including Dark Horse’s Conan and upcoming Star Wars monthly series, but I’m really intrigued by his original creation here. Mara is a six issue miniseries that is off to a compelling start.

Looking for something else, readers? Check out this week’s listed books:

All-Star Western #15

American Vampire #34

Arrow #2

Batman Beyond Unlimited #11

Batman Incorporated #6 (CP)

Batman Incorporated TP

Batman The Dark Knight #15

Flash #15

Fury Of Firestorm The Nuclear Men #15

Green Lantern Vol. 1 Sinestro TP

Green Lantern Vol. 2 Revenge Of The Black Hand HC

Hard Time Vol. 2 Sixteen TP

I Vampire #15

Joe Kubert Presents #3 (Of 6)

Justice League Dark #15

Justice League International Vol. 2 Breakdown TP

Lot 13 #3 (Of 5)

Punk Rock Jesus #6 (Of 6)

Red Lanterns #15

Savage Hawkman #15

Superman #15

Superman Family Adventures #8

Talon #3

Teen Titans #15 All-New X-Men #5

Daredevil End Of Days #4 (Of 8)

Dark Tower The Gunslinger The Man In Black HC PE

Fury MAX #8

Iron Man #5

Marvel Previews #113

Marvel’s Iron Man 3 Prelude #1 (Of 2)

Monsters Inc #2 (Of 2)

Morbius The Living Vampire #1

New Avengers #1

Nova Classic Vol. 1 TP

Oz Dorothy And The Wizard In Oz TP

Punisher Nightmare #1 (Of 5)

Red She-Hulk #61

Road To Oz #4 (Of 6)

Stand Vol. 5 No Man’s Land TP

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #19

Venom #29 <p> h>>

bra #20<br> plete Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy<br> . 14 1951-1953 HC<br> ger Girl G.I. JOE #5 (Of 5)<br> geons And Dragons Forgotten Realms<br> . 1 HC<br> zilla The Half-Century War #4 (Of 5)<br> s Attacks Popeye (One Shot)<br> Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #2 (Of 4)<br> r Trek #16<br> nsformers Prime Rage Of The Dinobots #2 (Of 4)<br> nsformers Prime Season 2 Vol. 1 TP<br> nsformers Robots In Disguise Vol. 2 TP<br> dwork Wallace Wood 1927-1981 HC 47 Ronin #2 (Of 5)<br> fy The Vampire Slayer Willow Wonderland #3 (Of 5)<br> der #3 (Of 5)<br> st Omnibus Vol. 3 TP<br> lboy In Hell #2<br> r Wars Purge The Tyrant’s Fist #2 (Of 2)<br> p><stroKey:  </strongiant Cover  / </strongd Cover / </strongde Paperback</strong** Combo Pack  / PE = Premier Edition</strong**