Too good to be true -- yet it's true. Type a search term into gizooogle, and the site will gangsta-lingo-ize both the search results and the pages you go to. The fun is endless. I, for instance, become Dizzy Dobbs, lyricist n' journalist, and author of "My f__in Muthaf___'s Lover." (Gizoogle doesn't use blanks.*)
Copyright © 2011, Dizzy Dobbs. All muthafuckin rights reserved.
via Dizzy Dobbs, lyricist n' journalist - Home.
We can thank @TomChivers and @alokjha for bringing this to our attention. Do check it out.
*I'm using blanks instead of expletives so that I personally directly am not befouling the ears of young people reading this blog, such as my 11-year-old son, who reads this despite directions not to. Boy better watch his mouf.