It's Time for Learning Town!

What happens when the host of a long-running, classic children’s show dies? The disgruntled plucky first-time guests take over! In this premiere episode of the adult - emphasis on the adult - parody show Learning Town starring the comedy-music duo, Paul and Storm decide to take over the classic children’s show after the elderly host dies on set.
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image courtesy of Geek and Sundry

What happens when the host of a long-running, classic children’s show dies? The disgruntled plucky first-time guests take over!

In this premiere episode of the adult – emphasis on the adult – parody show Learning Town starring the comedy-music duo, Paul and Storm decide to take over the classic children’s show after the elderly host dies on set.

After Storm is propositioned by “Mr. Slugworth,” a musical montage ensues featuring a rock ballad tribute to Meatloaf, complete with Teddy (the merch-table guy and devoted Paul and Storm groupie, hilariously played by Mike Phirman) and his paper-bag Paul and Storm puppets.

What would any show be without conflict? Ace and Karen host Hicky Burr. Aside from being a comical take-off of Yo Gabba Gabba, the sinister duo wants Learning Town’s old time slot. Through their obnoxious dweeby hipster-duo banter, I have a feeling they will stoop to new lows to get what they want.

If this isn’t enough, clips from future shows promise more Mike Phirman, a guest appearance by Weird Al, and more tasteful T&A than you can shake a puppet-on-fire at. Learning Town is slotted for Tuesdays on the Geek & Sundry YouTube channel, taking the place of The Guild, which just finished its sixth season.

In an interview with Paul and Storm a couple of years ago, I asked if the duo planned on writing a children’s album. Storm thought it would be a great idea...but I think a children’s show parody written for adults is as close as we are going to get. If the writing, wit, and music continue to be of this caliber, we’ll take as much as they are willing to give, even if we can’t share it with our kids until they are older.