This Week With the GeekMoms

See what the GeekMoms are up to this week.

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Dakster Sullivan has started her first meditation class online with the Tergar Learning Center this week. She hopes to learn some basic meditation techniques over the next six weeks that she can later share with you. She is also heavily focused on getting reading for Megacon 2013! This is the biggest convention she attends during the year and she is super excited.

Amy has just days to go on her Indiegogo campaign for Zeenii, an app for young thinkers, explorers, and makers. Check out GeekMom Kelly's thoughts on it, too.

Ariane was figuratively told "in case you were wondering, this did not go well" this week, which was a funny line in Lilo & Stitch but much less fun to hear in person. To boost her crumbling ego, she decided to focus on the people she *could* help. A few thank yous later, she just might crawl out from under that rock.

Kris Bordessa is, yes, revamping for the new year. Her biggest challenge: giving up (most) sugars for 30 days. What's a girl to do without her wine and chocolate? Apparently, feel better. After more than a week of headaches and cravings, she's finally feeling utterly awesome. What's next, world?

Rebecca Angel is feeling relaxed and happy after a couple of slow weeks on vacation celebrating the holidays with her family. She has spent this last week converting thirty-two VHS tapes of silly childhoods movies onto DVDs, but edited. She will give copies to her family. This was long overdue, and a big cross-off on her "life" to-do list!

Kristen Rutherford is back in the Nerdist saltmines tap tap tapping away on the keyboard. There'll be 10 new shows for BBCA, and it'll be a part of their epic Saturday Night lineup, come March. This week you can watch her in her monthly #parent hangout on the Geek & Sundry channel -- she and Mike Phirman talk with Wil & Anne Wheaton about games -- or if you don't want to look at her face, you can listen to her voice -- she's the guest on Janet Varney's podcast "The JV Club."

Brigid's finally catching up after the long winter break. This week she's been painting bugs.

Cathe survived the first week of teaching geeky-preschool to her three-year-old son.