Blood Bowl: Putting the "Fantasy" in Fantasy Football

Two teams, different colored helmets, different styles of play, both want to win. Roll the dice … I dare you … and then blow up the High Elf receiver and down a frosty Bloodweiser.
Image may contain Helmet Clothing Apparel Human Person Figurine and Toy
Stomping on some Dark Elves. Image: Tim Post

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Two teams, different colored helmets, different styles of play, both want to win. Roll the dice … I dare you … and then blow up the High Elf receiver and down a frosty Bloodweiser. That’s how it rolls in Blood Bowl — putting the “Fantasy” in Fantasy Football.

A friend’s Orc Blood Bowl team. Aren’t they cute? Image: RainDog (used with permission) Blood Bowl is a miniatures board game set in a decidedly silly version of the Warhammer world, with digital versions available on PC and Xbox 360. The play and scoring has its roots in American football, but when it comes to the rules, you can really get medievals.

Drive your opponent into the turf with your Ogre’s mighty blows, leap over their carefully constructed defense with your Wood Elf Wardancer, or have your loony Goblin pull out his chainsaw and buzz through the other team’s most valuable player — and then bribe the ref to get away with such blatant cheating!

So, if your favorite team didn’t make it into the big game today, or you just don’t “do” football, it might be time to pick up Blood Bowl. There are also alternate miniatures available, or you can drag out some little Lego miniatures, Squinkies, or other little guys.

Of course, if you’re not into the physical aspect, you can dip your toe in by listening to a podcast for beginning Blood Bowl players, or just pick up the game from Amazon and take out your fantasy aggression in a true brawl.

Thank you to my husband and RainDog for their input and support for this article