Be My Geeky Valentine -- And the Winner Is?

And the winner of the Be My Geeky Valentine is...
Commander Cody it's time to execute order Valentines Day  Image Savanna Kiefer
Commander Cody, it's time to execute order Valentines Day! Image: Savanna Kiefer

Congratulations Janflora73!

While we only had one winner walk away with the prizes, I think you are all winners for the amazing stories you told. All of you brought your creativity to the table and left some very interesting comments. I can tell we have quite a Dr. Who fans in the readership and many of you enjoy the beach.

In no particular order, I'd like to share with you some of my favorite's from the past few days from simple to the more elaborately creative.

I have another giveaway coming up soon, so stay tuned to GeekMom for another chance to win!