"Three Is A Magic Number." "Figure Eight." "Conjunction Junction." "I'm Just a Bill." And who can forget "Interjections!"?
Schoolhouse Rock! was that animated musical educational tool we older geeks were all subjected to during Saturday morning cartoon time.
The TV network ABC made these shorts to teach (or brainwash) us kids lessons on grammar, math, civics and other topics. The series ran from 1973 to 1985, then lived only in our memories.
Then came Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks, a tribute album released in 1996, featuring covers of these song-lessons by such bands as Blind Melon, Ween, The Lemonheads and Buffalo Tom.
Now comes the mashup.
Yes, it was only a matter of time before the geekverse got ahold of these old pedagogic cartoons and bent them to evil purposes. Recently, we came across "Star Wars Rock – Interjections," a Star Wars/School House Rock! take on "Interjections!" by the folks over at OneMinuteGalactica.
They used footage of Luke, Leia, Han, R2-D2, C3PO and the whole gang to illustrate how "[i]nterjections show excitement, or emotion" and how "they're generally set apart from a sentence by an exclamation point, or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong. Mmmm..."
Just watch out for the thinly veiled swear word at the end. You might never be so insulted in all your life.
Enjoy. I mean, enjoy!!!