Dakster Sullivan will be working on project Z this weekend in preparation for Megacon. No one knows what it is yet and she's super excited to show everyone when it's completed. Stay tuned to find out what she's working on.
Rachel Cericola is wondering if this weekend's snow storm will be a bust. The news people are saying it's going to be a bad one. In preparation, she will sharpen her ninja skills to brave the supermarket crowds and will also bake cookies. She also needs to clean up and dig her boots out of storage.
Kris Bordessa is adding to her collection of "farm" animals: 14 tilapia fish that she'll begin harvesting soon and a hen with seven chicks who should be laying eggs by summertime. She's also waiting for her household to explode with more Lego Cuusoo excitement. Her son's group of Lego geeks - Team Jigsaw - just launched a new project. This time? It's a steampunk theme.
Amy is heading off to the New York Toy Fair to check out all of the latest goodies and make some new discoveries.
Rebecca Angel feels Spring in the air, or she's getting more sleep, but she has been very creative lately with music, crocheting and comics. The family is off to a gaming party this weekend, lots of fun to look forward to. Hope everyone is having a great week :)
Corrina is preparing for the Winter Storm due to hit today. Two feet of snow is a considerable storm even for a New England native. She hopes the storm doesn't cancel the honor roll assembly for her youngest son, as he's so proud of what he's accomplished. She also spent time with the youngest daughter this week, learning all about a new-to-her video game that is keeping her entranced.
Patricia had an exciting week and is now looking forward to getting her life back together. Does anyone else completely shut down their households when studying for finals? She took her first test for her Air Force Air War College and is happy to announce that she passed. Not necessarily with flying colors, but with a family move coming up in a couple months, she isn't being choosy about the grade. She also ran her first long distance run for the year and enjoyed the Navarre Beach Mardi Gras Parade with the family. This weekend is shaping up to be a really good time, her family is planning a trip to see Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band, who's playing a free concert at the Air Force Base thanks to the USO.