Here at GeekDad, we want to enable your fetish for old Dungeons & Dragons products.
Wizards of the Coast is on a tear recently, hitting old school gamers with a series of re-releases of 1970s- and 1980s-era products. First came that triumvirate of original 1st Edition, or AD&D, core rulebooks reprinted last year in limited-editions – the Dungeon Masters Guide, Players Handbook and Monster Manual. In January came the announcement of old modules being released as PDFs on
Last week, news hit that a facsimile of a 1974 edition of D&D, aka the "White Box," will be reprinted this November. What is Wizards up to?
Now comes another blast from the past: Unearthed Arcana. Wizards announced a few days ago the re-release of this 1985 tome, with a special cover and gilded pages. Thanks to the generosity of Wizards, GeekDad is giving away five copies of this book.
The original 128-page Unearthed Arcana, published by TSR and written by none other than Gary Gygax (well, actually, it included contributions from Jeff Grub and Kim Mohan), was a kind of sequel to the AD&D rules.
The book was "an interim volume to expand the Dungeon Masters Guide and Players Handbook," Gygax put it. "This new material grew from my own campaign, articles published in Dragon Magazine, and input from many Dungeon Masters and players."
Unearthed Arcana expanded the classes and races available to play – including the gnome and barbarian – and added new weapons, weapon specialization rules, new spells, and so forth. Gygax reportedly published the hodgepodge of rules as an easy seller, because TSR was in the red at the time.
Some have grumbled that it was one of the shoddier of TSR's D&D products, includingmany errors and typos, but Wizards says this reprint includes includes the errata later published in Dragon magazine.
I say, any old AD&D tome resurrected from the dead is good news. Wizards has 5 copies of Unearthed Arcana to give away to GeekDad readers!
To be eligible to win, enter your information in the form below to enter, or if the form doesn't work for you, fill it in here instead. Five winners will be chosen at random from the entries. Only residents of the U.S. and Canada are eligible to enter, and all entries must be received by 9:00 pm Eastern Time, Thursday, February 28, 2013.