The puzzle as presented:
0. ihP 5. Markov Number 9. Kaprekar Number 10. rebmuN tcefreP 12. Oxygen molecule 15. 22nd prime 16. Californium, 3x 18. Without mammaries @ 180° 20. Loo @ 180° 22. base14(111)=? 24. (2^3)(5^2) 25. Sphenic palindrome 26. (ptth) deriuqeR noitacitnehtuA yxorP 28. Heinz 29. !5 (see 48 Down) 30. iP 31. Lucas number 33. 2(5^2) 34. Requested Range Not Satisfiable (http) 35. Unnilhexium 36. 3x(Sean Connery)^-1 38. No content (http) 40. Gallium 41. Twice 36 Across - 18 44. See 28 Across 45. How do I dial 911? 46. Bauer 47. 5/(Roger Moore) 48. Oil @ 180° 49. 5^2^2 51. 7^7 (rev) 52. Smallest sum of six distinct positive squares 53. Clinchfield, GA 54. e 56. n^n 59. (Life, universe, Everything) base 2 60. Kubrick / Clarke 63. gnihtyrevE, esrevinU, efiL 65. Highest cake number that fits 66. 5^11 71. (2^2)(3^4)(5^2) 72. Sparta! 73. Hillbillies @ 180° 74. (etihW dna kclaB lcni) nomekop fo rebmun
0. ynneJ 1. "Transformers" + 1 millenium 2. Most popular model train scale 3. (3^4)rev 4. "Reversal Of Fortune" hits theaters 5. Blue vs. Kasparov 6. College savings plan 7. 43F (see 35 down) 8. Perfect Number 11. 11^5 13. Twice 27 down 14. Calling the President 17. 2000 FQ10 19. Google @ 180° 21. flah/flah 23. 2^(2(3^2)) 27. 1/(George Lazenby) 32. Calling the First Lady 33. Not Implemented (http) 35. F55 36. A168595 37. 27 Down + 36 Across 39. n^n 42. (rebmun s'eulc siht)/1 43. 20th prime 48. 6! 50. Sphenic, consecutive digits 51. Oboe @ 180° 55. rebmun lanogatpeh deretneC 56. Smyrna, GA 57. Perfect vision 58. Conflict (http) 59. F? = 89 61. Leet 62. Arp 87 (either galaxy) 64. 2^(3(2^2)) 67. Maine 68. Fn, where Fn = n^2 69. Sum of first 18 primes 70. Hercules (aircraft)
This week’s winner is Andy Arizpe, who (along with others) not only provided a working solution but also the necessary corrections in the above clues. He definitely earned his $50 ThinkGeek Gift Certificate. Please find the solution to this past week’s puzzle, below.
Many thanks to the team at ThinkGeek and to everyone that sent in a solution. Have a great week!