Say you finished your Kickstarter campaign for some product or other, and after the inevitable growing pains, you've gotten all the rewards out to your backers who are gleefully emailing you to say what a great thing it is that you've built. What's next? You can't bring it back to Kickstarter to sell more units; Kickstarter is not a store.
The obvious thing to do would be to set up your own outlet to peddle the thing you built. And some projects, like the Lunatik ipods watch strap, lead to vibrant companies. But setting up an online store is hard -- and that's an opportunity for e-commerce startup Shopify, which is positioning itself to make that transition as easy as possible.
Shopify bills itself as a full service e-commerce solution provider. They offer a range of payment options, inventory management tools, and order tracking, plus more than 100 templates to allow merchants to customize the look and feel of their store. Today they're launching a new one. It's called Kickstand and it is specifically designed to capture the business of fledgling companies who've just come off a successful Kickstarter campaign.
"The great part about Kickstarter projects who come on Shopify is they not only have initial funding to get their business off the ground, but they come to Shopify with a community that is already endorsed," says Chief Platform Officer Harley Finkelstein. "They have social proof that they're dealing with a viable business."
To create a useful theme, Shopify had to contend with one of the peculiarities of a crowdfunding-based business: unlike a normal online merchant who might have dozens or hundreds of products for sale, most people coming to Shopify from Kickstarter have only one.
Kickstand solves the problem by recreating what works. The design explicitly echoes the Kickstarter project layout; the idea is that new businesses can continue to sell to customers in a format they're familiar with.
Shopify makes its income from a mixture of monthly fees and a cut of sales. Successfully Kickstarted products make for a tempting client -- they've shown they can deliver, which makes catering to them a good investment.
"The theme was designed with one purpose: to get Kickstarter alumni a fully fledged ecommerce store in less than 20 minutes," says Finkelstein.
Like Kickstarter, Kickstand has support for newsletters and an internal blogging platform, and requires no HTML or CSS knowledge to use. "Things like videos, frequently asked questions, number of backers, and product features are all front and center," Finkelstein says.
Unlike Kickstarter, Kickstand is very much a store.