In the clip above, filmed in the lab of University of California, Berkeley, cognitive psychologist Alison Gopnik, a particularly charming 4-year-old girl named Esther is playing a game that Gopnik made up. The game is called Blickets. The goal is to figure out which of the clay figures are blickets, as indicated by which clay figures light up the little box.
It's much harder than you might think. I know, because I was sitting next to the camera that filmed Esther from behind one-way glass that day, and I too was trying to figure out which of the clay figures were blickets. And Esther just left me in the dust.
To find out how and why, read "Playing For All Kinds of Possibilities," my story in today's New York Times about how young children play — and what their play suggests about human evolution, cognition, and exploration. Here's part of the opener: