You Can Hang Libratone's Sexy New Speakers on the Wall

Libratone's range of speakers blur the line between gadget and furniture. The new addition can be proudly hung on a wall or discretely tucked into a bookshelf.
Image may contain Book Shelf Wood and Furniture

In the 1980s, any consumer electronics worth their salt had a mirrored "piano black" finish, and Apple made glossy white and chrome de rigueur in the first decade of this century. But if an upstart called Libratone has its way, all our audio equipment, and walls, will soon be covered with wool from Pashmina goats.

The Copenhagen-based, 35-person startup released their first cashmere-covered sound system back in 2010. While audiophiles appreciated the built-in digital signal processing and ribbon-based tweeters, they didn't like how the sound systems dominated the design of their living rooms. Libratone's newest product, the $499.95 wall-mountable Loop, solves that problem and blurs the line between gadget, furniture, and art. The 13.1" disc can be hung in an optimal acoustic locations and directs sound 360-degrees throughout the room while adding a spot of color and a conversation starter to an otherwise unadorned wall.

Libratone was started by a trio of techie music lovers, but they quickly realized a strong visual design would be required to participate in the portable audio arms race being waged by Jawbone, Sonos, and Bose. So they hired designer Kristian Krøyer to give them an edge, however soft. His first move was creating a trademark look, which resulted in wrapping the speakers in wool. "We wanted to be different, and we wanted a far stronger reference to home interior," says Krøyer. "We also wanted something that just looks and feels good. Wool was the perfect answer."

>We wanted a far stronger reference to home interior.

The results were striking visually and the material didn't impact the acoustics in simulations, but the felt samples their factory provided muffled the music, forcing the team to improvise a solution. "After talking to a lot of felt manufacturers and unsuccessfully testing of all their samples in the sound lab, I ended up at the local fabric shop, desperately trying to blow through every felt-like material they had," says Krøyer. Several strange looks and hundreds of Kronner later, he had purchased samples—almost all of which failed. Fortunately, one sample showed promise and after a little detective work, the product went to market.

Krøyer brings an avant-garde attitude to the brand and regularly hires designers to creatively deface his products. One artist embroidered the woolen wraps with scenes from Scandinavian fairy tales while another plastered the plastic bits of a speaker with comic book panels. "We like to see ourselves as rebels with some kind of tie to creative professionals," he says. "By doing partnerships with other creative underdogs, we form our own little playground where we can have fun, get to be in eye-level with our customers, and set ourselves apart from the traditional consumer electronic industry." By allowing the Loop to be mounted on the wall, Libratone has created a new canvas for creative embellishment.

With the physical product portfolio rounded out, the team is now turning it's attention to work on the companion app, which is functional, but a bit less refined than their hard goods. "At the moment you might say, 'Oh nice. This app can ease the setup and enhance the sound of the product,' but our ambition is for you to say 'Wahoo! This app is beyond cool.'"

The Loop, and other Libratone products are available on their website with prices ranging from $399.95-$1,299.95.