13 Holiday Gifts That'll Delight Your Favorite bet365体育赛事 Nerd

From a pyrotechnics chemistry kit to a DIY submersible, here is our holiday wish-list for science nerds.

Yes, there are only 12 days in the song. But 13 is such a nice (prime!) number, and some of your friends might already have a stock of hilarious sci-fi movie posters and pyrotechnics chemistry kits, leaving you in desperate need of more options. Perhaps a DIY submersible, or some laboratory-chic neckwear. So, in no particular order, here is our holiday wish-list for science nerds.

If you're like us, you'll order fiiiive Ti-ny-saurs! Fo-o-ur cutting boards, three Dino Pets, two-o tardigrades, and a garden in an Erlenmeyer flask. But do it quickly, because some of these sellers need a little while to craft and ship your gifts.