Join Backchannel’s Editors and Guest Host Susan Lyne for Breakfast
Dear readers,
Backchannel editors Steven, Jessi and Sandra, along with our guest host Susan Lyne, are inviting you to an experiment: a Backchannel Breakfast Salon.
On Friday, November 18 we will gather 30 people at the Ace Hotel in New York for an intimate, participatory conversation. This will be unlike other events run by tech news sites, and you may even think it sounds weird. But trust us—this format reflects what Backchannel is. Besides being a home for great journalism, we are a community, bound not only by a common interest in the tech revolution, but also a hunger to find meaning in those stories. Our breakfast will take that further.
At Backchannel, we get to know and converse with our readers deeply. We believe that people move forward in their careers and their lives when they help each other. That’s our goal for this event. At our intimate breakfast salon, you will build the relationships and share the ideas that matter most to your work.
This event will be highly participatory. To start, Steven and Susan will discuss career pivots. Susan, as you may know, has managed a career that has taken her from publishing to television to the Internet to investing. She’ll discuss what went into making a radical change, and what it took to succeed in each role.
This is where you come in: the bulk of our breakfast will be devoted to a roundtable discussion based on the topics you raise. Please come prepared to share with your peers an issue or concern that currently confronts you. (This can be highly tactical, as in, “my COO just quit, help!” or more theoretical, such as, “I need to figure out what to do next.” Or it can stir doubts: “Am I giving up my principles for short-term gain or survival?”) This breakfast will be as good as we all make it. Bring your A game.
Backchannel’s Breakfast Salon is a ticketed event, and entry for our first iteration will cost $120. The fee is simply to cover cost; we will deliver on every dollar. To do so, we will pay a good deal of attention to the people who join us. We are curating our first salon very carefully so that we will have a diverse crowd and a good balance of roles and perspectives.
Questions? Drop us a line at