Last Call for Backchannel’s Breakfast Salon
Dear readers,
Last week we invited you to apply for a seat at our breakfast table. The response was overwhelming! Thanks for your enthusiasm, and to those readers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto and London who asked that we consider holding a salon in your city, we heard you. If our grand experiment is a success, we hope to pay you a visit.
If you’re in New York and you missed our note, you still have a few days to apply to join Backchannel editors Steven, Jessi and Sandra, along with our guest host Susan Lyne, for our first Backchannel Breakfast Salon.
When, you ask? Friday, November 18
Where? The Ace Hotel in New York
We’ll host an intimate, participatory conversation. This will be unlike other events run by tech news sites, and you may even think it sounds weird. But trust us — this format reflects what Backchannel is. Besides being a home for great journalism, we are a community, bound not only by a common interest in the tech revolution, but also a hunger to find meaning in those stories. Our breakfast will take that further. Want to know more? Read about it here.
Backchannel’s Breakfast Salon is a ticketed event, and entry for our first iteration will cost $120. We are curating our first salon very carefully so that we will have a diverse crowd and a good balance of roles and perspectives.
We heard a few of you may have had some trouble with our link to apply. Here’s a fresh one.
Questions? Drop us a line at