Thanks to Instagram, every jaw-dropping vista on the planet is just a hashtag away. After you see your friends’ vacation posts on your phones, you and a jillion other people can then GPS your way across the desert (or tundra, or jungle) to find those now not-so-secret spots in person. At which point, of course, you’ll Instagram them, people will Like them, and the cycle of pilgrimage continues.
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#DarvazaCrater in Turkmenistan Legend has it that, decades ago, geologists were drilling for oil in the Karakum Desert when they hit a pocket of natural gas. The earth collapsed, forming several craters, the largest of which is known as the Gates of Hell. To prevent methane from leaking into the atmosphere, they lit the whole thing on fire, and the crater burns photogenically for camera-happy tourists (and their Instagram followers) to this day.
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#AyPetri in Crimea Stretched perilously over one of the windiest and foggiest peaks in Crimea, a rickety series of swaying suspension bridges lures nimble-footed daredevils over a 4,000-foot abyss.
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#Bus142 in Alaska Trekkers venture into the wild and cross rushing Alaskan rivers to find the bus where Chris McCandless died after a two-year hitchhiking odyssey.
#PradaMarfa in Texas (@themariapinto) Along a dusty Texas stretch of US-90, a pop-up recreation of a Prada store has grown into an iconic pop-culture landmark.
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#Sólheimasandur in Iceland The carcass of a crash-landed US Navy C-117 rests on a deserted black-sand beach in southern Iceland, a post-apocalyptic, impossibly photogenic ode to the tension between machines and nature. Hundreds of people show up at an unmarked gate every day to trek across the frozen wasteland in search of a #Sólheimasandur selfie with the decomposing husk. (It even had a cameo in the 2015 Justin Bieber video for “I’ll Show You.”)
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#ManoDelDesierto in Chile You can’t miss the huge hand rising from the lunar landscape along the Pan-American highway in Chile, but you’ll need to pull off at kilometer marker 1309 and follow a gravel path to high-five the desert palm.
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#LaCasaDelÁrbol in Ecuador Deep in Ecuador’s Bellavista Cloud Forest, a plank with two ropes dangles off a tree that clings to a cliff. Maniacs make the three-hour hike up a mountain to swing there.