Thanks for Nothing, Videogames: The 2016 Vaporware Awards
Over the past month, two of the videogame industry's Longest Development Time award contenders were actually released within days of each other: Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian, originally announced in 2006 and 2009 respectively. And to decent reviews, too! But that doesn't mean our vaporware journey is over. Indeed, it may be just beginning.
Wwhile the triple-A game industry seems to be having less of a problem with vaporware, we the consumers have gladly inflicted it upon ourselves via crowdfunding. Take Broken Age, the physical edition of which I just received on December 1---nearly five years after my Kickstarter pledge. But it's not all Kickstarters! There are plenty of traditionally-funded blockbuster games that have been talked up for years but just can't seem to ship (or even commit to a date). We're not gonna talk about The Last of Us Part II because that was only just announced, but come on---you know they're already writing the Very Special Update for the PlayStation Blog explaining that the game's going to miss the 2019 holiday season and come out in March 2020.