Play It Forward: Our 19 Most Anticipated Videogames of 2017
This year promises another bumper crop of games. Some will be great; others, not so much. Here are the ones on which we've pinned our highest hopes.
Happy New Year! Now that 2016 is finally, mercifully in the books, let's look ahead the next 365 days of videogames—many of which we're actually excited about. Note that we're not doing any kind of wishcasting here; all the games on this list have been given official release dates of sometime in 2017. If its release date is still "TBD," we're not going to assume it's happening this year, because in all likelihood it's probably not. Also, we're not making any guarantees. At least a few of these may be delayed into 2018 or beyond. But for now, we're just goin' with what they tells us. Let's get to the games!