It took a long time for Roland to make a serious play in the portable budget synth space that Korg supercharged with its Volca lineup. One thing that had been missing from the Aira Compact series until now, however, was a sampler.
Considering Roland is behind the iconic SP-404, it seemed a foregone conclusion that, eventually, the company would build a scaled-down version for its Compact line. The P-6 Creative Sampler is the inevitable marriage of the SP-404 soul and Aira Compact form factor. If you’ve been eyeing the 404, but have been hesitant to drop $500 on one, the P-6 might seem pretty compelling. It’s tiny, packs a surprising amount of features, and costs only $220. But, as you might expect, there are some pretty significant trade-offs. I don't hate it, but you can find easier-to-use and better-made instruments for this price, so you'll want to read on to see if the P-6 is right for you.
An Archaic Interface
The P-6 is a surprisingly powerful and feature-rich device. Unfortunately, the limited hands-on controls are crammed into a very tiny space. This leads to a lot of finger gymnastics and basically demands you keep the manual handy.
Roland’s Aira Compact line continues to have perhaps the most infuriating interface I’ve ever encountered in a musical instrument. The four-character, seven-segment display is almost inexcusable in 2024. Just give us a display that we can understand.
While picking a sample and placing it in the step sequencer is simple enough, most more advanced features require some combination of button presses and/or deciphering obtuse menus. For example, if you want to tweak the filter on a sample, you need to press shift and the filter button (G# on the keyboard). The knob labeled Start then controls the cutoff, which is relatively easy to figure out, since when you turn the knob you see a big letter C. But I had to look in the manual to figure out what the CTRL1 knob does. Turning it displays what looks like a Y but I think is actually supposed to be a K, since apparently it changes key tracking.
Even things like copying and pasting steps is unnecessarily convoluted. First, you need to press Record, then select what you want to copy either by turning the main encoder or holding down the appropriate step. Then you need to hold down the KYBD button and press Menu, then turn the main encoder to copy, then press enter. Easy? Not really. To paste that step you need to do the same process except turn the encoder to select paste (PSTE) before hitting enter.
Surprisingly Powerful
Using the P-6 can be mildly infuriating at times, but if you can come to grips with its interface, then you might be pleasantly surprised by what it’s capable of.
At its most basic, it’s a bread-and-butter sampler that captures mono samples of up to six seconds at 44.1 kHz (or three seconds in stereo). With 48 total sample slots, that amounts to 285 seconds, or a bit shy of five minutes. There are samplers with more storage, but that should be enough to keep you busy making tracks for a while.
Frankly, things are a lot more interesting if you start lowering the sample rate. This gets you more sample time, but also something a bit more characterful. While you can go all the way down to 11.025 kHz (23.7 seconds per pad/19 minutes total in mono), I think the sweet spot is 14.7 kHz. This gets you some lovely digital crunch without introducing so much noise and aliasing that your recordings sound like they were made on a greeting card. Then again, I like the option to go low: Sometimes that extreme level of digital lo-fi is exactly what you need.