Far-Right Donald Trump Supporters Celebrate His Victory With Violent Memes and Calls for Executions

“Many many many executions are warranted,” one Trump supporter wrote on Truth Social. “These traitors are a terminal cancer that MUST BE completely eradicated to make America healthy again.”
a hand holding up a maga hat
Photo-Illustration: Wired Staff; John Moore/Getty

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States, and the same far-right extremists emboldened by his first administration are celebrating his win with violent memes and threats.

Many of the social media posts reviewed by WIRED reveled in fantasies of Trump locking up and even executing his political opponents in revenge. “Build the gallows!!” urged a post on Gab, a social media platform that caters to the far right.

“There has to be as many traitors executed as he has days in office,” urged another Gab post. “Build the gallows, restore the REPUBLIC.”

Trump ran a campaign that stoked culture war grievances and divisions, and was defined by lies, a desire for vengeance, and, at times, threatening rhetoric. In social media posts he threatened mass arrests of his political opponents in revenge for “stealing the election” in 2020 (though evidence conclusively shows the 2020 election was not stolen). Lawmakers, election workers, school board members, federal agents, and judges have been repeatedly targeted over the years with violent threats by his supporters who believe they were acting on his behalf. Trump repeatedly promised his supporters he would “destroy” the deep state, invoking the popular conspiracy theory of a nefarious web of faceless bureaucrats working to destroy the US from within. He cast himself, alongside the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6 over election lies, as “political prisoners,” even “hostages” who were being persecuted by a “tyrannical” Biden administration.

And now that he has won the election, his supporters seem just as thirsty for revenge.

A poster on Patriots.win, a pro-Trump forum, shared an AI drawing of Nancy Pelosi with a noose around her neck about to be hanged. Others shared images of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who has been villainized by the right for overseeing the Biden administration’s immigration policy, suggesting he too be hanged “for high treason.” “FACT!” someone else posted. “The gallows await …”

“Many many many executions are warranted,” someone wrote on Truth Social. “These traitors are a terminal cancer that MUST BE completely eradicated to make America healthy again.” Another post on Truth Social read: “It sounds like a Military Court should sentence her [Kamala Harris] to death. Yes?”

Similar remarks were shared in response to former Trump strategist Steve Bannon’s victory remarks, broadcast live from the rooftop of the Willard Hotel in Washington DC on election night.

“You stole the 2020 election, you've mocked and ridiculed and put people in prison and broken people's lives because you said this thing was stolen,” Bannon said during his broadcast. “This entire phony thing is getting swept out. Biden’s getting swept out. Kamala Harris is getting swept out. MSNBC is getting swept out. The Justice Department’s getting swept out. The FBI’s getting swept out. You people suck, and now, you’re going to pay the price for trying to destroy this country.”

“MILITARY TRIBUNALS AWAIT!” someone replied on X. “I want to see perp walks” wrote another. “Military executions coming right up,” a different post read. “New DOJ must utilize armed raids on Democrat Deep State Homes! Drag their asses out into the street, just like they did to our people!!”

Many other social media posts viewed by WIRED were deeply misogynistic in nature. The gender dynamics at play during this race were particularly stark, with Harris promising to safeguard women’s medical freedom while Trump aggressively pursued a young male demographic that has become increasingly culturally conservative.

One viral meme that was shared widely across platforms on Wednesday had the caption “RELEASE THE PROJECT 2025 HANDMAIDS TALE RAPE SQUADS.” “BREAKING: Millions of women report for handmaid duty following Trump’s stunning victory,” someone else wrote in Patriots.win. Some of these memes were also shared across Telegram channels for Proud Boy chapters.

Another person on Patriots.win shared an AI meme of Trump shirtless in a boxing ring. “First Man In History to Beat Two Women,” the text on the meme reads. “Beat the hell out of two women,” the poster wrote. “Considering the women, I’m for it.” Fort Wayne Proud Boys shared a graphic on Telegram with a picture of Harris and the words “Projected Winner; Whore of the Year.”

Christopher Pohlhaus, known as “Hammer,” the leader of neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe, also cheered Trump’s victory. “Thanks Trump,” he wrote. “Cheaper gas will make it easier to spread White Power across the whole country.”

White nationalist groyper Nicholas Fuentes chimed in on X. “Your body, my choice. Forever,” he wrote on Tuesday night. And he followed up on Wednesday: “I’d just like to take the opportunity to thank men for saving this country from stupid bitches who wanted to destroy the world to keep abortion.”

Lauren Witzke, a far-right activist, shared an image on Telegram of Trump posing with a group of white male college students from Iowa State University. “Big shout out to men, especially white men, who turned out in force to put women back in their place.”

In a post on X to his nearly 100,000 followers, Evan Kilgore, an “ambassador” for Turning Point USA, hailed a potential coming crackdown on minorities, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and women. “Women, back to the kitchen; Abortions, illegal; Gays, back in the closet; Interracial marriage, banned; Illegals, pack your bags; Trannies, back to the asylums; Jesus, back in our schools,” he wrote. “We are so back.”

“I was promised Hitler shit. I demand Hitler shit,” someone else wrote on Patriots.win. “When do we start rounding up all the gays into camps?” wrote another. “I was told this would happen.”