PalantirPoliticsThe Recruitment Effort That Helped Build Elon Musk’s DOGE ArmyBy Vittoria Elliott and Tim MarchmanSecurityPalantir Manual Shows How Law Enforcement Tracks SuspectsBy Emily DreyfussBusinessIf You Drive in Los Angeles, Police Can Track Your Every MoveBy Mark HarrisThe Big StoryHow Peter Thiel's Secretive Data Company Pushed Into PolicingBy Mark HarrisSecurityAnonymous' Barrett Brown Is Free—and Ready to Pick New FightsBy Andy GreenbergSecurityNo Spy Software Scandal Here, Army ClaimsBy Noah ShachtmanBusinessThe 10 Silicon Valley Companies You Wish You Worked for (or Started)By Marcus WohlsenSecuritySpy Chief Called Silicon Valley Stooge in Army Software Civil WarBy Noah ShachtmanSecurityAnonymous Versus EFF? Corporate Donation Riles ActivistsBy Ryan SingelSecurityCongress Asks to Review DoD and NSA Contracts With HBGaryBy Kim Zetter