Coravin's Wine Gadget Lets You Drink One Glass Now, Save the Rest
Released on 12/10/2015
It is entirely possible that you have
either bought a very expensive bottle of wine
or planned to open a bottle of wine
but not drink it all in one sitting.
Neither of these behaviors are particularly familiar to me,
but I've heard of them.
Here's the problem with that.
You open a bottle of wine, oxygen gets in,
and it can make the wine go bad.
What you want to do is displace all of that
and get some other gas in there
to keep your wine fresh.
Here's how you do that.
With one of these.
This is not Han Solo's gun.
It's a Coravin Mark Two, $330,
and it uses cylinders of argon gas
to get rid of the oxygen and keep your wine fresh.
Here's what you do.
Pop the argon gas capsule in the device.
When you pressurize a bottle,
even something that's heavy glass,
it can kind of break, so this case protects your hands.
Press the trigger to clear the needle.
Aha, push down, and pour.
It's blowing a little argon in there
to replace whatever the liquid displaces.
Now the cool thing about this
is you're supposed to be able
to just take this back out.
The cork reseals.
Oh there we go.
And so now you can just keep this.
Coravin says that an individual argon canister
lasts for like three bottles worth,
so that's you know, Tuesday,
and you know, you can just keep going back to it
basically letting argon be argon.
Yeah, I guess I'm a little sorry about that one.
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