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    Daisy Ridley Explores Her Impact on the Internet

    What kind of impact has "Ophelia" star Daisy Ridley had on the internet? WIRED combs the web for data about Daisy Ridley and presents all the information to her. What happens when you Google her name? What's the first picture of Daisy to appear on Getty Images? What's her most popular video on YouTube?

    Released on 07/10/2019


    Good God.

    We have quantified your digital footprint

    so that you can see the impact you've had on the internet.

    This is what happens when you Google Daisy Ridley.

    About 17 million results.

    One section that comes up is People also ask.

    Can you answer these questions?

    Who is Obi Wan's daughter?

    I didn't think Obi Wan was allowed children.

    Isn't he a Jedi?

    How old is Rey from Star Wars?

    Yeah, we said like 19, 20.

    My skin wasn't great, so I took Roaccutane

    and it's anti-aging.

    I'm actually 27, playing down.

    Rey was born 11 years after the Battle of Endor.

    I don't know if that information was available

    in the last two films I was in,

    that I was born 11 years after the Battle of Endor.

    Is Daisy Ridley a twin?

    No, no, my sisters just look incredibly like me.

    Where does Daisy Ridley currently live?

    I live in London.

    Great city.

    These are your most viewed videos on YouTube.

    Maybe a trailer?

    Maybe the trailer for something?

    Oh yeah, okay, that's me on Fallon.

    I took my best friend to Ireland.

    We went on a little road trip.

    I'm a big Seamus Heaney fan,

    so we went from his birthplace to his death place

    because I do organize great trips.

    And on the way, the trailer came out

    and we recorded me watching it

    because that's what people do.

    And it was very moving.

    So I guess that's that one.

    73 Questions.

    Loved that a lot.

    Somebody asked if that was actually my home,

    and I was like, how much money do you think I have?

    Absolutely not.

    Flip Cup.

    I was doing so well.

    I thought I was pretty good at Flip Cup

    and then I lost my pizzazz.

    These things happen.

    Three of those were in New York, yes,

    and I'm here right now.

    We collected all the comments of those three videos

    and made this word cloud.

    Oh god, people have gone and said.


    When was I mean?

    What the fuh?

    View, accent, done, done, keep, spoiler, dude, white,

    Arsenal, smile, OMG, LMAO.

    Here are some words we noticed.

    Can you explain them?


    I do love Eminem, and I can rap.

    But I hear that the music hasn't been cleared.

    Otherwise, I'd give you a sneak preview.


    Poor Arsenal fan, I don't really know

    what goes on in football,

    but I am a lifelong supporter of them.

    We compared searches for Daisy Ridley and Arsenal over time.

    Oh, there's an overlap.

    Wow, we get pretty close at points.

    Oh, I wonder what happened there.

    Oh, goodness.

    In December 2015, you were more famous than Arsenal.

    Thank you internet.

    According to Google, people also searched

    for these five other people.

    Can you guess who they are?

    I'm gonna say Adam Driver.

    I'm gonna say Mark Hamill.

    I'm gonna say Carrie Fisher.

    For the basis of the film, I'm in Ophelia,

    I'm gonna say Naomi Watts.

    And Oscar Isaac?

    John, there's my peanut.

    Adam, grumpy dark lord.

    Naomi Watts, there she is, Queen Gertrude.

    Mark Hamill.


    I would say that it is clear

    why they're all there.

    They also searched for these 20 other people.


    Okay, Oscar, J.J., Rian, Domhnall, Harrison, Kelly,

    my version of Star Wars.

    Felicity, other bit, George Lucas, founder,

    Billie, in it, Gwendoline, in it,

    Tom Holland, Chaos Walking out next year,

    Natalie Portman, Star Wars.

    Emma Watson?

    Maybe because she's British.

    I have met her a couple times.

    Laura Dern, fabulous, Andy, Lupita, Anthony,

    Emilia Clarke, Peter Mayhew, yeah.

    I'm pretty thrilled to be, you know, in there.

    Pretty great group of people.

    This is a Google Trends graph

    of your name searched over time.

    A, I'm presuming when,

    oh, when Force Awakens came out.

    And then B is when Last Jedi came out

    and everyone was over me.

    They were like, oh.

    Last year's news.

    I'd say C is when they announced the cast of Star Wars?

    Name searched over just the last year.

    God, what interesting things have I been doing?

    A, last year.

    Oh, maybe when like Keri and Richard E. Grant were announced

    for the new Star Wars?

    B, is that April?

    Oh, that's nice.

    That's my birthday, I was in Chicago.

    Thanks y'all.

    And then C.

    Oh yeah yeah yeah, the trailer dropped

    for the Rise of Skywalker, very exciting time.

    Google Trends also shows related queries.

    Here are the top three.


    I have no idea why I'm related to Jay-Z,

    unless because my middle name is Jazz, people misspelt?

    Daisy Ridley pointing.

    Do I point at things?

    Maybe I went through a phase of pointing at things?

    Ah, if you had to complete this meme yourself,

    how would you caption it?

    You, go to Ophelia, please.

    Small films matter too.

    I didn't know it was a thing,

    but we were doing a charitable thing, I believe,

    it was a Force for Change thing

    and it said something like you could win

    something something something, I'm pretty sure.

    There are 4,915 images of you on Getty.

    When sorted by oldest, this image from

    February 20, 2014 comes up.

    I didn't want to do this.

    My agent at the time,

    because we knew that I'd got Star Wars,

    thought we needed some stuff,

    but I think I look like a male boy band member from the 90s.

    Not loving that one, but I do remember it.

    It was in Cafe Royale, which is a very beautiful hotel.


    This is what you're known for on IMDB.

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    Scavenger goes on adventure, scavenger played by me.

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

    Scavenger continues to go on an adventure,

    scavenger still played by me.

    Murder on the Orient Express.

    Murderer goes on an adventure, one of a few,

    murderer played by me, also a governess.

    Chaos Walking.

    Woman crash lands on new world, chaos ensues,

    and we walk all over the planet.

    Should be released next year.

    I'll probably be back to talk about that one.

    These are your Top Rated Movies on Rotten Tomatoes.

    Only Yesterday.

    I did the English translation of Only Yesterday,

    which was actually released like 28 years ago in Japan

    with Dev Patel.

    It is a joyful and beautiful film.

    It's a Studio Ghibli film,

    but it's Takahata, it's not Miyazaki,

    so it's less fantastical, it's more realistic

    and it's beautiful.

    A woman goes to the countryside

    and sort of just remembers her childhood.

    The Eagle Huntress.

    I narrated, I really had nothing to do with

    the insane success of this.

    It's about a girl called Aishol-pan, true story,

    the first female eagle huntress,

    and also I think the first woman to ever win

    the eagle competition that happens.

    Very beautiful film.

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    I was in that one.

    That's nice.

    That's got a nice review.

    Yes, J.J.

    On Twitter, your name is searched an average

    of 99,000 times a month.

    I'm not that interesting, but there we go.

    There's me looking incredibly distressed.

    Here are your related search terms on Twitter.

    Adam Daisy.

    Michelle C. Smith.

    Is that Michelle Pfeiffer's real name or something?

    Good God.

    Good God.

    Oh my god.

    That's impressive, Michelle, wherever you may be, wow.

    The most liked video of you on any platform is this one

    of Michelle.

    When I was a wee bairn.

    The most liked.

    I wonder why that's so liked.

    That's cool.

    I guess it's nice to see the behind the scenes-y bits.

    Look at my guns in that one.

    Shit, yes.

    Well, the interesting thing about this film is

    we concentrate more on the fact that they're light

    because the lightsabers were so heavy.

    As Eunice said, who is our new stunt coordinator,

    it was more like broad sword fighting

    which isn't technically what it's supposed to be

    because lightsabers are supposed to be light by nature.

    So they actually made the lightsabers lighter for us.

    We in this film have perhaps

    one of the most epic fights in Star Wars.

    Stay tuned.

    These are the top 10 posts involving you on Reddit.

    This is the third most upvoted post.

    What can you tell us about Chaos Walking?

    Todd Hewitt, played by Tom Holland, Spider-Man,

    and it should be pretty cool.

    I think it's very strange to think about

    one's impact on the internet.

    I don't think I've had an impact on the internet as such.

    But it's very exciting that a film I'm part of

    has had a trend of interest about it at various points

    and other things like Eagle Huntress,

    things that aren't as well known as Star Wars.

    That's pretty cool.

    The internet connects us all.

    But be safe as you use it.

    Starring: Daisy Ridley
