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    E3 2012: Metro - Last Light

    Defend yourself against mutants as one post apocalyptic Moscow’s last remaining survivors in Metro: Last Light’s crafted single player experience.

    Released on 06/04/2012


    (rhythmic rock music)

    The last survivors of post-apocalyptic Moscow

    are engaged in a daily battle

    to breathe clean air, find supplies,

    and not get killed by mutants.

    We first met up with them in the PC game, Metro 2033,

    and now we're gonna find out more about them

    in Metro Last Light, a survival horror-shooter

    that's coming to both PC and consoles.

    We've talked to the developers at 4A Games

    to find out what their showing at this year's E3 Expo.

    We were in to see Metro Last Light

    as more than just a shooter.

    It's a story driven action adventure

    and it has first person shooter combat in the story.

    It also has a lot of survival horror aspects,

    expiration, and even some light RPG elements.

    We really wanna tell this crafted single player experience

    which we think is becoming increasingly rare

    and we really wanna make our own entry

    into this kind of game.

    So for us this idea of crafted means having

    moment to moment variety.

    So rather than a level just being this environment,

    this corridor that you funnel through,

    and the game players just relentlessly gunning down enemies

    that pop up in front of you,

    it's using combination of more emergent gameplay spaces

    and then some tightly scripted moments

    so that you can't stop giving the player something new,

    unexpected, and memorable,

    and hopefully extraordinary to experience

    as they go through the game.

    So there's this huge supernatural angle to Metro Last Life.

    When people see it as a post-apocalypse game,

    most people look to western kind of examples

    of post-apocalypse.

    You know, it's blue sunshine, bandits in the desert,

    everything's explicable, scientific.

    And what we have is this kind of heavy fusion

    of post-Soviet realism mixed with centuries

    of European mysticism and folklore.

    So we have this world where spirits and demons exist.

    You have this inexplicable syfy phenomena

    along side a kind of crude anime weapons

    and pretty human drama that we tell.

    It creates a very heavy mix.

    Many of the weapons that we have,

    you can count that number of rounds left in the magazine

    when you hold it up to your eye.

    We try to tell as much information as we can

    within the physical licence within the game world

    so we can strip back the heart entirely.

    I mean, once you're familiar with the game,

    it's perfectly possible to play through with no crosshairs

    no heart, no anything like that.

    Which for us to live is the most immersive Metro experience.

    (rhythmic rock music)

    Starring: Mike Ruocco, Chris Kohler
