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McAfee Says He Is Innocent

John McAfee declares his innocence regarding recent murder accusations in an interview with Wired's Joshua Davis.

Released on 11/13/2012


[Interviewer] He didn't like your dogs.

Your dogs were poisoned on Friday night.

It seems possible that you found out that

he poisoned them and took revenge.

[John] The idea that my neighbors may

have done it did, in fact, occur to me, one of them.

And the first one was the doctor next door,

because he lives closest to me.

Greg lives way down the beach and I

was even surprised he could even hear my dogs.

But both of these, both Greg and the doctor,

have dogs, love dogs.

A dog owner, a dog lover is not going to poison

anybody's dog under any circumstances.

Now, maybe they'd poison me, but not my dogs.

[Interviewer] I see, your speculations of what

might have happened to him?

[John] I do not have a clue.

The only information I have about him

is what you have told me and what I think Cass or

Priscilla had told me.

I had no idea that he was shot, execution-style.

Um, I heard some things are missing.

Um, you're the one that told me it was

a nine Millimeter shell.

[Interviewer] Yep.

[John] All I know.

I had no speculation other than the first thing

I thought about was, Oh my God, He's a

white man, I'm a white man.

Someone, the government's finally decided to off me.

They got the wrong white man.

Since we're so, we live almost next door.

And that actually went in my mind and

actually scared me for quite a while.

[Interviewer] Why do you think the government

is targeting you?

[John] Well because, number one, I'm one of the first

foreigners to live here that actually has, you know,

bumped up against the government.

And I have access to the President and

had for a long time.

And that's my only weapon, really.

And so I talk and I tell the truth

and it sheds a very negative light.

I mean for example, in this country now they

can try you without a jury.

Meaning you can be charged,

first of all they can hold you

for 30 days without even charging you.

Then you can be charged and the Prime Minister

or Cabinet Minister can choose an appropriate judge

to judge you.

And the judge can judge you any way he wishes, no jury.

No due process, this is where we stand.

And this is what's going to happen to me, by the way,

when I'm caught.

I will be held without charges.

If I survive the 30 days,

which I doubt very strongly,

lot's of people do die in prison here,

from, you know, strangling on their own vomit,

hanging themselves because they're too miserable,

getting beaten to death by fellow inmates.

Or a variety of other things and of course,

it's not the governments fault.

Well you know, he did wrong, he got arrested,

and something happened to him.

But if I do survive that 30 days,

then some judge will go, Well, you're guilty.


[Interviewer] If it's inevitable that they

will get you, why not get a lawyer and

turn yourself in?

(he laughs)

Okay, the last high-profile person to

turn themselves in was shot, in-fact,

in police custody.

His name was Arthur Young, his handcuffs were tied,

he had his hands cuffed behind his back, and they shot him.

Starring: John McAfee
